Official Olympics 2012 thread



  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    Scary as a generic type is as ubiquitous as fresh air on my manor.
    No mystery, I do not aspire.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    bennyboy said:

    Tonight was what we all thought the opening ceremony would be like, so fuck on, Danny Boyle.

    I only found out today that Danny Boyle had nothing to do with the closing ceremony - last night I was wondering how he managed to go from something so great two weeks ago, to Sunday's [strike]vapid cringe fest[/strike] poop.

    Was a great olympics though, and now have nothing to watch online!

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    I thought it was good entertainment.

    The LEDs in the seating
    Jessie J & Brian May
    Emily Sandy (I am not concerned with the spelling)
    Assorted totty was tip top, 'spesh them Angels with Eric Idle. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm.

    Was also hoping for a PA from Bowie and Bush.
    Was hoping for some Fashion/Viv Westwood/Punk Collaboway
    Wasn't much informative commentary. I mean, I can see they are building a pyramid, but why?
    Seeing "Beady Eye" on the kick drums before Liam had shown his mug.
    Liam. Did himself no favours.
    #1 son asking who all the pensioner-rockers were.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Apart from dudes hating on popular LCD culture and tens of thousands of youngins having a laff, yes to the Idle angels, yes to the PSB Spanish Inquisition vibes, yes to Kate Moss and them, yes to the mod parade and yes to OAP rock royalty talmbout my generation to a huge Union Jack backdrop.

    No to many things, but only churls can deny the strength of Wonderwall in the canon.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    skel said:

    No to many things, but only churls can deny the strength of Wonderwall in the canon.

    Indeed, however they should probably have opted for the Noel / Don't Look Back In Anger combo in hindsight.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Hahaha! Awful!
    It was I believe conceived and directed by Stephen Daldry, he of Billy Eliot.
    Bad aspects:
    1. 'Sporty' now renamed 'Scary', 'Scary' now 'OG Scary'
    2. No close-ups of Victoria Beckham (contractually forbidden)
    3. Rhys Ifans as Liam Gallagher (Liam deemed too live-wire for live performance with orchestra)
    4. Russell Brand miming sans mic, Fatboy Slim miming on the dj mixer (in the booth on top of the giant inflatable octupus) - are we considered absolutely fucking moronic?
    5. Emily Sanday (not concerned with spelling either) singing 1/4 tone flat throughout (and sometimes bluesing to a full semitone)
    6. The Kaiser Chiefs? From 1998?
    7. George Michael miming to his new single (contract-R)
    Good aspects:
    1. LEDs
    2. Eric Idle, who sang the word 'shit'
    3. Boris Johnson dancing (this isn't 'good', I know, I'm struggling to find 'good's).
    Someone said 'get the beers in', and I did, but it made the whole experience 100 times more harrowing and I could neither turn it off nor stop shouting at it. Kinda fun evening (I feel totally soiled).

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    granjero said:

    3. Rhys Ifans as Liam Gallagher (Liam deemed too live-wire for live performance with orchestra)

    More likely scenario; Liam refused to sing a Noel song and/or Noel refused to clear it for performance if Liam sang it. Stand-off averted by the drafting-in of Ifans.


    Fatboy Slim miming on the dj mixer (in the booth on top of the giant inflatable octupus) - are we considered absolutely fucking moronic?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    After an incredible 29 golds and a brilliant opening ceremony, we ended as we mean to go on. Shambolic fail but passable fun nonetheless.

    Ok, final highs and lows

    1. Opening ceremony as a high water mark for such events. We know the world didn't get it. Most countries are obsessed by the size of another dude's rocket and Sino paranoia.

    2. Jess Ennis powering round the final bend to win gold in style.

    3. Sanchez sobbing like a 5yo.

    4. Derny dude with Harry Grout vibe fused with Number Six / Il Duce mash up

    5. Nicola boxing girl and her profound joy.

    6. The way this town has been more vibrant than usual over the period.

    7. Michael Johnson punditry.

    29. Golds. Saying.

    The lows.
    1. That 1500m winner, definitely dirty.

    2. Brendan Foster being so far up Kenya's arse, embarrassing.

    3. Mo's wife turning his glory moment into a high maintenance princess me me me thing. Doesn't matter if it was started by a steward, she should have stepped back.

    4. Hearing 'Bubbles' at the opening ceremony. GTFOOHWTBS

    5. A few pumped up sprint and high jump dudes who came on all aggressive to the camera and crowd, totally out of step with the spirit of the two weeks and who made themselves look like complete wankers.

    6. Miserable Queen at the opening ceremony.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    Opening ceremony

    Usain Bolt. Was that his last olympics?

    Rudisha breaking his 800m WR - the guy's running is poetry in motion.

    Phelps adds more golds but also showed some class when he was beaten by the South African kid.

    Watching the US men's 4x100 relay qualifier, wondering why they ran such a poor first leg, discovering the guy broke a bone but did enough to keep his team in contention.

    Chinese weightlifter lifting with an injury to get silver through the pain.

    Hot, hot, hot women: Holland vs New Zealand hockey match, short-shorts on volleyballers, most runners, long jumpers and pole-vaulters, etc etc etc.

    Super Saturday for GB was good, but Mo Farah's 5000m was the noisiest single event I watched. 80,000 people getting steadily louder and louder for 14 minutes of drama, then BOOOOM at the finish.

    Hurdler Felix blubbing after running the exact same time he won gold 8 years previously.

    Clair Balding & Michael Johnson's commentary & analysis - a welcome respite from John Inverdale's GB-gold fixation.

    Cycling... GB has bossed le tour, the time trial, the velodrome. Never seen us dominant at anything really, have to pinch myself as this will surely pass in time, but was glad to be watching it while the records fell and the golds flooded in.

    The weather - were they cloud seeding? Clear skies over London for the majority while torrential flooding in the north seemed suspect.


    Closing ceremony

    Partisan BBC commentary and fixation with gold medals got tiresome fast.

    Handball - couldn't get into that sport at all. Not even for the women.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Duderonomy said:


    Closing ceremony

    U MAD?

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    The Olympic closing ceremonies in London were terrible. They should have had Sade, Loose Ends, Junior, Cymande, The Specials, Freeez, Soul II Soul and The Average White Band perform.

    Light of The World should have been there to play "London Town!"

    Five Star could have shut it down...

    I'm sayin' HOW did The Olympic Runners not perform???????????

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    Just read that.


    Srs doe, who would dude have been happy with? The World will have Touched That Dial en-mass if the menu was 3 hours of shoegaze b/w dubstep favourites. Best believe the ham shanks would be busting out Van Halen and 100ft Jacko holograms b/w a Prince boycott.

    Remit was to give the world common British (esp. London-centric) currency across the age groups. I think Boyle had more to play with as his remit was to tell a story. Best be glad that half of Chas and Dave is braahn bread, moy san.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    It's hard to disagree with what dude says, but srsly, so much angst over something as ephemeral and unimportant? Dude gets paid to produce paras on topic du jour no doubt.

    And as soon as the obligatory Daily Mail reference appears, I put him in the box marked middle class self hatred trust fund righter on than thou prick who rocks dreads around his Camden enclave bitching about Tories n the kids on the street getting oppressed by the pigs ad nauseum.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    skel said:
    It's hard to disagree with what dude says, but srsly, so much angst over something as ephemeral and unimportant? Dude gets paid to produce paras on topic du jour no doubt.

    And as soon as the obligatory Daily Mail reference appears, I put him in the box marked middle class self hatred trust fund righter on than thou prick who rocks dreads around his Camden enclave bitching about Tories n the kids on the street getting oppressed by the pigs ad nauseum.

    Did you actually catch that Daily Mail piece he refers to, skel? Before they edited it, it would have comfortably passed muster as the kind of thing you might find masquerading as reasoned, moderate and intellectually weighty - on Stormfront. It really was that foul.

    But irrespective of the guy's politics (or anyone else's, for that matter), when you're right, you're right, even when to admit as much involves extensive gritting of teeth and forced smiles. After all, one singer-not-the-song kneejerk reaction is much like another when you think about it.

    I would agree, however, that his reaction was a teeny bit over the top.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    A good read. He says it so we don't have to. Kettled athletes LOL.
    Reprising the music was an exceedingly lazy move. I'd forgotten about that.
    I thought Bowie didn't ever perform any more due to health (heart) problems.
    More than a few times did I think of Lady Diana.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    Did you actually catch that Daily Mail piece he refers to, skel?

    No, I only ever read a second hand copy, for the sports section and the agony aunt. Who is very good btw


    But irrespective of the guy's politics (or anyone else's, for that matter), when you're right, you're right, even when to admit as much involves extensive gritting of teeth and forced smiles. After all, one singer-not-the-song kneejerk reaction is much like another when you think about it.

    True, dat.

    "my bad"

    ::double wink::

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    How much did the Olympics and the seemingly success of multiculturalism (From an outsiders point of view) drive the twats crazy in the UK?

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    granjero said:
    I thought Bowie didn't ever perform any more due to health (heart) problems.

    A friend of mine helped put together the soundtrack album, which meant that he and everyone else working on the project was sworn to secrecy over exactly who and what was involved. Of course, now that it's all over he's been spilling the beans. It turns out that Danny Boyle's first choice to top off the opening ceremony wasn't McCartney after all (NO! Really?). No, the original plan was for the cauldron to be sparked up as Bowie sang "Heroes". Bowie declined. Danny Boyle said please. Bowie didn't budge. Boyle said, let me show you exactly what we have planned for the ceremony. Bowie said, you'll have to come to New York. Boyle jumps on a plane to NYC, shows Bowie a rendering of the entire ceremony and pleads some more. Bowie says, thanks, but no thanks.

    Supposedly the heart condition doesn't prevent him from performing altogether, but for him to take the stage nowadays, it seems the circumstances would have to be pretty exceptional. Touring of any sort is over.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    DOR said:
    How much did the Olympics and the seemingly success of multiculturalism (From an outsiders point of view) drive the twats crazy in the UK?

    I think it's kept them quiet... which is the best possible result.

    Although some guy from the Daily [strike]Mail[/strike] Heil thought that Danny Boyle's multicultural family in the opener was an unrealistic:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Damn, that is a shame about Bowie. Bowie > Macca every day.

    After having the cynical beaten out of me the last two weeks, it was like the closing ceremony was a return to business as usual. Eric Idle was good doe, and the flag design of the stadium looked amazing.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    granjero said:
    I thought Bowie didn't ever perform any more due to health (heart) problems.

    A friend of mine helped put together the soundtrack album, which meant that he and everyone else working on the project was sworn to secrecy over exactly who and what was involved. Of course, now that it's all over he's been spilling the beans. It turns out that Danny Boyle's first choice to top off the opening ceremony wasn't McCartney after all (NO! Really?). No, the original plan was for the cauldron to be sparked up as Bowie sang "Heroes". Bowie declined. Danny Boyle said please. Bowie didn't budge. Boyle said, let me show you exactly what we have planned for the ceremony. Bowie said, you'll have to come to New York. Boyle jumps on a plane to NYC, shows Bowie a rendering of the entire ceremony and pleads some more. Bowie says, thanks, but no thanks.

    Supposedly the heart condition doesn't prevent him from performing altogether, but for him to take the stage nowadays, it seems the circumstances would have to be pretty exceptional. Touring of any sort is over.

    Wow. That would've been electric seeing as how you never see him any more.
    My wife's still spitting about 'McCuntny'

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    Pretty savage quote from the Mail. Infer from that quote what you want, but Peter Falk* competing in the Archery would not be that far-right.

    Obvioulsy "Under their noses" is not worth a look for their journalistic microscope.

    *For da kidz, he's the actor that played "Columbo" and had a glass eye. I am not going into one-eye jokes at this point. Hmm, are there any current famous folks with a duff peeper?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:
    Eric Idle was good doe,

    He actually sang life's a piece of shit, when you look at it. Was expecting it to be a censored version.
    That and words from Imagine were the best bits.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    DOR said:
    How much did the Olympics and the seemingly success of multiculturalism (From an outsiders point of view) drive the twats crazy in the UK?

    Hard to say, as something of an outsider myself these days. But the impression I got is that, once the familiar parade of frothing "political correctness gone mad" rent-a-quote merchants realised that their default position would put them somewhat out of step with the national mood, they all wound their necks in. I don't expect it to continue much longer. After all, you had that tedious attention whore Morrissey piping up last week, calling the whole thing "jingoistic" and accusing the Royals of hijacking it "for their own empirical [sic] needs." Even the usual suspects on the left seemed to accept that they weren't going to be able to simply transpose their criticisms of things like the Jubilee onto what they expected to be an even bigger orgy of Rule Brittania flag-waving. It appears reality doesn't conform to a convenient left/right, our side/their side model after all - who knew?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Only 16 days of emptiness until the Paralympics starts. Having watched the shitfest that was the Community Shield yesterday, I don't think the new PL season is going to fill that gap.

    An ever increasing fan of the Paralympics, I have to say that the Channel 4 advert has tipped me over the edge. I get more excited every time I see it. Best use of Public Enemy in 20 years.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Notes from the casual viewer

    The opening and closing ceremonies were well done and all things considered had some damn good and popular performers compared to the ceremonies of the past. Overall I give it a 9/10.

    The weather in London sucks in July/August.

    Boxing no longer attracts the top athletes in the U.S.

    Lots of self confident, high self esteem athletes got trashed by the public although I think in order to perform at the top level in the world you almost have to be self confident, high self esteem wankers.

    Usain Bolt never seems to give 100% but his 90% is better than anyone else on earth, ever.

    Self loathing Americans did everything they could to downplay the fact that American athletes kicked ass and took names.

    They keep score for a reason, deal.

    Mo dude needs to file for divorce faster than his Olympic winning time.

    They need to go back to the simple 1-10 scoring in Gymnastics.

    The integrity of judges and referees was at an all-time low.

    Synchronized anything should be relegated to Branson and third rate Vegas stage shows.

    Bring baseball back.

    I wonder what all the conspiracy theory websites that predicted everything from a nuclear bomb to a fake alien invasion co-ordinated by the NWO are writing about today....probably that their exposing these plots foiled them from happening.

    I never want to see Michael Phelps Mom again.

    To those who wanted the U.S. Beach Volleyball Women's Two Player Team to wear bikini' finally happened...and I curse you for it.

    With some of the "fringe" sports we're seeing it's only a matter of time before Hot Dog eating becomes an official event.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Anyone else majorly disappointed that Jeremy Clarkson didn't get out of the Reliant Robin? As soon as I saw it on the screen, I thought for sure it was a done deal.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Soul Zilla said:
    rootlesscosmo said:
    it sucks.

    only reason the gold metal team has avoided the obvious "douchebag" label so far is because they don't have dicks. otherwise they're worse than lochte.

    Whom are you referring to with the above?

    the winners of women's beach volleyball. don't know their names.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    dukeofdelridge said:

    Speedwalking is in the Olympic Games.

    apparently the very object of the event is to fool the judges into thinking you're not cheating. I'm not making this up:

  • mannybolone said:
    DB_Cooper said:

    America wins more medals than anyone else. 'MERICA!

    I think you meant "China," no?


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