who gots pmc 06
357 Posts
im trying to buy one of these to use as a preamp/intermediaary for my turntable to laptop. it would also be for scratching/gigs aroun town. is this shit good at all? im well versed in the problems of the 07-whihc i also have. but im just looking for cheap and cheap.
i've only been DJaying for 4 years, the mixer worked great for when i was in my "only can afford 1-turntable and i wish i was be q-bert" phase. but once i got the 2nd turntable and started learning to mix and play outside of my bedroom the 06 wasn???t cutting it....eventfully it broke and i got myself a RANE 54i. I love the 54???wish I had a 56 every time I get to DJ with one. but the 54 might be just right for you, they don???t make it anymore so you might be able to find a deal on RANE 54i???s somewhere.
that pioneer deal on the 707 doesn't look bad, i've never used that mixer but for 300 it could be nice, got in a store and try a few mixers out just to see how they feel cause that's what matters most.
EDIT: not that i'm trying to say you're just starting out, i don't know your deal
thats a pretty accurate assessment of the 06 right there.