organising records in thrift/2nd hand stores..

i start a lil job tomorrow organising the hiphop for this local shop that sells all genres of 2nd hand records, electrical equip etc..currently its organised in LPs by years (85-90,91-95 etc)and 12s organised sorta in years and also seperated into a 'genre' like gangsta, chilled etc.. i wanna get away from that whole idea of labeling something a name just to organise, i dont get down like thatwat i was thinking was:Old school: from 90 and down (seperate for lps and 12s - best way?)hip hop a-z (everything else) (again LPs like this then 12s ?)new arrivals (lps and 12s together)record store peoples: how do you do it??
Which shop mate? All the time i was at Gloucester Road during the holidays i would have LOVED a record shop job...
Not doubting, mind you - just
Either, A.) the UK is just another dimension or something;
or B.) the UK definition of "thrift" means "used".
I'm leaning towards B, but I'm not ruling out A completely - I've seen some of those weirdass BBC comedies on PBS...
Sounds more like a 2nd hand record store.... is this in LDN?