Suspect E-mail.
Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts
I just got this e-mail today:
From : Abco Research: Orders Department
Sent : Friday, October 21, 2005 10:38 AM
To : [email]********[/email]
Subject : Re: Sybian Order Submission [/b]
I do not show you as an owner. What is the serial number of your unit. I cannot proceed without it.
> Affiliate ID:
>Name: Joe Bednarczyk
>Mailing Addr: 82 Wintersville Rd
>Richland, PA 17087
>Shipping Addr: 82 Wintersville Rd
>Richland, PA 17087
>Ship Method: 2nd_Day_Air
>Res. Phone: 717-933-8676
>Work Phone:
>E-Mail: [email]********[/email]
>Name on CC: Joseph A Bednarczyk
>Billing Addr: SAME
>CVV: 217
>CC Exp Date: 2/08
>Has Video: No
>Video Name:
>1 Medium Insert $35.00 each Cost: $35.00
>1 GMax $40.00 each Cost: $40.00
>1 Large RealLike $40.00 each Cost: $40.00
>1 Slipper $10.00 each Cost: $10.00
>2 Plastic Stem $1.00 each Cost: $2.00
>4 Spring $1.00 each Cost: $4.00
>Subtotal: $131.00
>Shipping: $5.00
>IL Sales Tax: None
>GRAND TOTAL: $136.00
I'm just wondering why the hell someone is using my email address to order sex toys?
Girlfriend steal your credit card?
*edited because I'm dumb
I dunno man, too bad it's not a machine, you could intercept that shit.
Seriously though, maybe they have a similar e-mail address to yours.
I>Mr. Joe Bednarczyk, Research Support Associate (top)
telephone x4699, email [email]>[/email]
That's telephone as in (717[/b]) 531-4699.
And that's as in Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA.
Start address:
Richland, PA 17087
End address:
Hershey, PA 17033
Distance: 25.1 mi (about 47 mins)
That may be your man.
Fucking Glafflitah on the case! Scary.
Fucking classic...
The Internet scares the fucking shit out of me sometimes.