

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    well, a little research goes a long way...
    that ain't no fucking REAR of the YEAR!!!

    Na. Rear of the year, is some weak ass (get it) award the some fools dreamt up, to give out to lame female celebs, who generally only have one thing behind them, their careers.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    well, a little research goes a long way...
    that ain't no fucking REAR of the YEAR!!!


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    this was much better... the way, i love canada.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    don't we need a Tap graemlin? or is that Salma Hayek??

    just to be safe....


  • that's a fresno state shirt.

    a day late

  • that's a fresno state shirt.
    a day late

    Since yesterday was the anniversary of his murder, I played a Mac Dre tribute set on my radio show yesterday.

    Afterwards someone sent me this:

    This is from Rick Ele, ubiquitous KDVS DJ.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Sep 15, 2005 1:07 PM
    Subject: [spockmorgue] Dude! Mac Dre!?!?! He Robbed Me in 1992!
    To: [email][/email]

    Mac Dre--nee Andre Hicks--busted into the pizza place where I worked
    when I was a kid.?? He and his buddies had a gang called the Romper
    Room Gang, and they were robbing pizza places up and down I-80 from
    Vallejo to Sacramento, and then making tapes where they'd rap about
    it.?? The tapes were actually used as evidence in Mac Dre's

    The funny part is that they tried to be all Mission Impossible-style
    when they broke into our pizza place.?? I worked at one of those
    delivery-only places.?? It was tucked away in amongst some warehouses
    on a seldom-traveled road on the outskirts of Fairfield.?? The Romper
    dudes could've just walked right in the door with their guns, but
    instead they forced their way in through the roof via a ventilation

    I was working the oven in the midst of a dinner rush--maybe it was a
    Monday Night Football crunch, but it was really busy--and we almost
    didn't notice the noises coming from the top of the building.?? It
    sounded like someone was scrabbling at the locks of the rear garage.
    Finally, we heard a really loud boom and klanging noise as the grates
    below the ducts were kicked out and Mac Dre and Co. landed on them.

    My friend Nathan claims to have actually seen them hit the floor, and
    said they tried to land on their feet like paratroopers, but they
    landed and rolled clumsily before ambushing us.?? They had a rope with
    a hook on the end fashioned out of a garden tool or something.?? But
    they didn't have enough rope.

    They ordered Nathan to open the till for the cash as the rest of us
    were waved into the walk-in refrigerator with the barrel of a gun.
    Maybe that was Mac Dre...I dunno.?? But I think Mac Dre was the one
    getting the money from Nathan.

    The other Romper Room guys shut the door behind us, but they didn't
    know how to lock the door because the pin had been missing for a
    while.?? We used to lock it with a screwdriver that we kept back there,
    but they didn't figure it out.?? It didn't matter anyway 'cos we were
    too scared to come out until they were long gone.

    Nathan came and opened the door to tell us the coast was clear.

    None of us knew who Mac Dre was at the time.?? A few days later,
    however, local news reported the rash of armed burglaries attributed
    to Vallejo's Romper Room Gang.?? They also hit a few donut shops in
    Fairfield and Vacaville.


    "Art for Spastics"
    Mondays midnight-2:00 on KDVS, Davis
    Archived at...
    a href=" />

  • HAHAHA! awesome!

  • Yeah. My favorite part is:

    The funny part is that they tried to be all Mission Impossible-style
    when they broke into our pizza place....?? The Romper
    dudes could've just walked right in the door with their guns, but
    instead they forced their way in through the roof via a ventilation

  • The Romper Room pizza restaurant robbery is a much funnier story than this one:

    Man, 21, slain at memorial for rapper[/b]

    Suzanne Herel, Chronicle Staff Writer

    Wednesday, November 2, 2005

    (11-02) 08:20 PST VALLEJO -- A 21-year-old man was shot and killed Tuesday night while attending a memorial for a slain rapper in North Vallejo, police said.

    Police identified the victim this morning as Michael Clint Banks.

    Banks was among a crowd of about 150 people who gathered near Mark and Janice streets Tuesday night to remember Andre Hicks, a rap artist who used the name Mac Dre. Hicks, 34, was shot to death in Kansas City, Kansas, on Nov. 1, 2004.

    Police received a call at 8:35 p.m. reporting multiple gunshots in the area. Responding officers found people running in different directions and Banks lying in the street suffering from a gunshot wound.

    He was taken to Kaiser Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

    Police had no suspects in the shooting this morning.
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