Your Neighbors (NRR)



  • My neighbors are one side are your typical all american white family. 2 kids. 2 parents. They're pretty much run-of-the-mill people.

    I introduced myselves to them when we moved in. I haven't bother to say hello to them ever since.

    Nooooooooooow, the neighbors on the other side are kinda interesting. One of the dudes went to my high school and plays in a band. Up until last summer his shitty-ass band (Sounding like some slow and heavy creed bullshit) would ALWAYS being playing during the day. I swear it sounded like the same godamn song for 18 months. The drummer was mad stiff (ay yo) when he played. They also would have a lot of parties (I guess the dudes parents would bounce for the weekend).

    Another weird thing is that their house is a two story, while mine is a single. They have 2 windows that look directly into mine. I used to be mad self-conscience at first, but now I don't give a fuck. They shoudn't be looking anyways.

    I always wondered what they think of the music I listen to or the beats that I make. Do they get it? Like it? think it sucks? Are they like "oh, the dude next door is making beats, this one isn't as cool as that other one"? or do they even hear it? I try to keep shit down because I knew how it was to be on the other side, literally and figuratively.

    I'm kinda tempted to be like "yo, re-play this baseline real quick....and let me mic some shakers as well".

  • Man, I really like this thread.

    I live in a house converted into three apartments. Mine is the whole main floor with another being the whole second while the third is the basement. Apparently the guy in the basement smokes (even though this is supposed to be a non-smoking building). Strangely, I can't smell it but the people upstairs can through their vents. I guess they've talked to the guy in the basement and complained to the landlord but to no avail...the guy keeps smoking. Sometimes late at night, the woman upstairs will scream directly into the vents "STOP SMOKING!!! STOP SMOKING YOUR F*CKING ASSH*LE!!!!!". Her sudden out-of-nowhere screaming and hollering scares me half out of bed. One day her husband comes down to tell me that he's been complaining to the landlord and he was hoping I would also. The problem is that I honestly couldn't smell any smoke in my apartment. I couldn't really complain about something that didn't affect me and my upstairs neighbor was cool with it. I did want to make a comment about his wife's screaming but figured I should keep my mouth shut.

    Seems like the the guy downstairs is a real winner. I've lived here two months and his car has been vandalized twice. Once by his ex-wife and again by his current girlfriend's dad!

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    these stories are awesome!

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    I've lived here two months and his car has been vandalized by his current girlfriend's dad!

    i want to hear THAT story!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I've lived here two months and his car has been vandalized by his current girlfriend's dad!

    i want to hear THAT story!
    yes plaese!

  • I've lived here two months and his car has been vandalized by his current girlfriend's dad!

    i want to hear THAT story!
    yes plaese!

    I don't know the details too well. His ex wrote all over his car with shoe polish(?)...stuff about how it's a father's duty to protect his daughter. I'm assuming he missed a child support payment or flaked on a weekend with his daughter but don't know for sure. Car sat for a full day before he cleaned it off (you can actually still see some of it smeared all over).

    I have no idea what he did to piss off his current girlfriend's dad but pops took a baseball bat to the passenger side rear-view mirror and the trunk. I don't think this was done in front of the house (if so, I sure wasn't home for that one).

    Guy doesn't recycle either...his trash is always full of beer cans. Smokes and doesn't recycle....

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I always wondered what they think of the music I listen to or the beats that I make. Do they get it? Like it? think it sucks? Are they like "oh, the dude next door is making beats, this one isn't as cool as that other one"?

  • We've been living at our current place for 2 years and already we've been renting 3 times as long as anybody around us.

    For a while we had some skater kids living next door... definitely under-age because they asked me to buy them booze.

    They were literally the most inept drug dealers I've EVER met. At one point they described how they just drove into "the ghetto" (their description as inept white kids, well one was indian..), rolled down their window and requested coke like it was wendys. they were like "yeah we got worried, it was weird, a bunch of guys all surrounded our car". Their big plan was to deal weed, and involved an 8 hour drive to north carolina to sell it. Why they had to buy it here then drive that far to sell it I don't know.

    The time between starting officially dealing weed and one of their moms finding out and dragging one of em back home by the scruff of his neck was about a week. Watched from the comfort of my 2nd story window.

    A week after that they were evicted. The landlord turned off the electricity thinking they would take the hint. but they kept coming back. asking me for rides downtown, to use my cell phone since theirs was turned off, it was getting ridiculous. One morning all their stuff was on the side of the road. They came over all distraught. I finally was like what the FUCK are you still doing here?

    Last weekend the neighbors on the OTHER side of me got evicted, too. Cops and drama. Seemed like good enough guys tho, helped us out with car stuff.

    Across the street the other way: nice gay douds who keep to themselves.

    In the split beneath us: journalist for an area newspaper. Cool lady, we hang out now and again.

    Everybody else on my street owns their house and is crazy snobby. nuff said. I've given up being nice to em, I've even bought the crappy plants their kids come by with that are obviously dug out of somebody's garden, still for the most part they treat us like some fuggin heathens. Maybe it's all the walking around in boxers. Very very boring people in any case.

    Shit I must have insomnia if I'm up at 1AM writing stuff like this...

  • I always wondered what they think of the music I listen to or the beats that I make. Do they get it? Like it? think it sucks? Are they like "oh, the dude next door is making beats, this one isn't as cool as that other one"?

    Knowing them dudes Atmosphere is their measure for hip-hop music.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Knowing them dudes Atmosphere is their measure for hip-hop music.

  • puchitopuchito 374 Posts
    they had "gasolina" on permanent replay real loud in the street, which is like my own personal nightmare scenario come true.

    Wow the exact same thing happened to me, expect it was my hillbilly mexican neigbor's pre-teen daughter and her friends, who played it non-stop for like 4 hours. (God was punishing me)

  • I don't really know my neighbors much but they have like 20 kids from the whole family the street barefoot. They walk around all over barefoot with black feet. There parents don't take care of them for shit and they are always screaming at there house down the street. Half the block is related to each other and a bunch of girls my age are turning hoodrat. This girl I know nothing about is pretty but looks like an upcoming ho, is she is 4-5 years younger.

  • I live in a duplex but the downstairs spot is empty which is cool because no one can complain about noise. On one side of our place there is a big apartment building but I rarely see the people from it outside I think its mostly college kids. On the other side there is a run down duplex with two single dudes. The downstairs guy apparently likes to hunt because he is always walking around his back yard with a gun. One day while my girlfriend and I were grilling something he stopped to tell us how there had been a shooting at the pool hall down the street. He said "they" had taken over the bar, and we were like ???who??? because if you are going to make a racist comment you should have to come out and say it. We kept playing dumb he was like "you know they took it over", and we were like "who" dude got pissed and left.

    The guy upstairs from him is a real piece of work. We used to joke that he was a junkie and one day we saw him cooking shit up through his window and our theory was confirmed. When my girlfriend nearly blew herself up with our gas grill he was sitting on his porch. All he said when he saw the huge burst of flames was "wow" not are you ok just "wow".

  • The people behind us tortured us for two years with non-stop hammering etc as they ripped their house apart and rebuilt it. We were in our house for almost eight months before the guy came over to say anything, and when he did it was to complain about they way our yard looked (previous owner was an anal retentive, semi retired yahoo who spent all of his free time edging the lawn and shit like that.
    So, he's rebuilding his house, going sometimes until after 10PM, we don't say a thing. That is until he wakes us up at 6:30 in the morning with his hammering (this is when Miles was like 3 months old...). I went out on the deck in my boxers and yelled at him.
    I thought we were the only ones with a problem until I found out someone had been calling the cops on the reg, and he had gotten a warning. I found this out because he came around to every house to try to figure out who was complaining. I told him that if I had anything to say to him I'd do it to his face. After that things weren't so bad. Dude's wife still hasn't come around or said hi, going on three years.
    The people across the street the other way are a retired couple who are also lawn care fanatics. We once got an anonymous note in our mailbox (when my wife was like 8 months pregnant) complaining that we hadn't cleaned up our leaves fast enough. We're pretty sure it was them. They also have this huge booyak dog that barks all the time. Miles is like "Doggy, ruff ruff".
    The folks directly across the street are a little hard to read. The wife has always been nice. The husband is kind of quiet in a strange way and looks like he drinks ALOT. They just installed a fountain and a bunch of yard bric-a-brac, including a big cement turtle and a pagoda by their front porch.
    The people next to us have always been nice (though I've never met the husband). The wife is a sweet lady, who brought us over a gift after Miles was born, and confirmed for us that the entire neighborhood thinks that Mr. Home Improvement next door is a kook who also appears to be running an illegal auto repair business in his back yard. They have three teenage sons who are cool.
    The house caddy corner to us is strange. People never came over to say hello, and there appears to be anywhere from 4 to 8 people living in the house at any given time. They also appear to be running a day care operation out of the house, so maybe they're just trying to keep a low profile. The husband looks like Michael McDonald from the Doobie Brothers and mows the lawn in the dark. The daughter looks semi-Goth and hangs around with a lot of hesher/dirtbag types.
    Other than that, the neighborhood includes a lot of contractor types with busted pickups covered with ladders. Most of the people we've met casually (walking around the neghborhood) seem very nice.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    yall got some neighbors.

    Right now I got some great neighbors cause i never hear em.

    On one side is Bob. an old-hippy like dude who is building a cobb house in the backyard. He doesnt work. On the other side of me is a couple my age (29) The dude is a normal good looking dude (no ayo). But his wife is a HUGE, SWEATY, MEAN FAT lady that is always yelling at him and sweating. A lot of times she is outside and falls down, and makes a noise like a downed wildebeast or something. Did I mention she sweats? cause she does, bad. She will be outside cleaning the yard or cooking or whatever and her shirt is so soaked with sweat that it is all clinging to her back boobs. Why the hell is he with her. I want to invite him over for a drink to find out but, i know I will just insult him, and plus I really dont want to talk to him at all. I dont want to talk to any of my neighbors.

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts
    I've lived in a lot of crap shared student-housing complexes, but this one took the cake. Loads of people who rent out houses to students here are usually a bit shady, which resulted in a streamload of freaks living there, including:

    - 60-year old alcoholic, has one suit which he always wears - his body odor is really undescribable. We once attempted to clean out his personal fridge, found one rotten egg and 2 inches of fungus all over the inside. Had a little fun with telling people who never been there before to get something out of the 'little fridge in the kitchen'. Dude now lives upstairs and likes to take a piss on his floor, with a friend of mine living in the room directly beneath him.
    - 40-something suicidal alcoholic, attempted to kill himself by slitting his wrists in the toilet just before my friend came home and had to take a piss. Classy.
    - various assortment of immigrants, usually there for a few weeks. Never knew how many people lived in the house on a given day.
    - one huge box of unpaid bills

    some government folks came by one day with a six-page list of all people who lived on that address. Turned out to be around 200.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    We once got an anonymous note in our mailbox (when my wife was like 8 months pregnant) complaining that we hadn't cleaned up our leaves fast enough. We're pretty sure it was them.

    That shit is crazy. My neighbors are the same way. I bought my current house from a 95 year old couple who let the yard go considerably. So it needs some work. Anyway, we have got several comments from people walking by asking us if this summer we could do this or that, or in the fall clean up our leaves sooner (my son was born in october and I was going to school full time and working full time). Yeah I will get right on it. As a result of their comments and shit I have left my yard in the same state it was. Which, i would have done anyway, now I KNow it pisses people off so I like it.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I lived in house in Flint that had some super white trash neighbors. Always had a budweiser in any of they hands.

    Anyway, dude would come over at ANY time. 7am, 10am, noon,etc. Well one day, I get home from work (bartender) about 4 a.m. I need to go to bed, so to relax me i decide to fuckin jerk-off. Well, about mid jerk, dude straight walks into my room. "hey whats up man, what are you doing?" "Dude, get the fuck out, im jerkin off damn" "Lets go somewhere and do something, im bored" "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

    he left. The next day he had no idea about the whole thing.

  • We once got an anonymous note in our mailbox (when my wife was like 8 months pregnant) complaining that we hadn't cleaned up our leaves fast enough. We're pretty sure it was them.

    That shit is crazy. My neighbors are the same way. I bought my current house from a 95 year old couple who let the yard go considerably. So it needs some work. Anyway, we have got several comments from people walking by asking us if this summer we could do this or that, or in the fall clean up our leaves sooner (my son was born in october and I was going to school full time and working full time). Yeah I will get right on it. As a result of their comments and shit I have left my yard in the same state it was. Which, i would have done anyway, now I KNow it pisses people off so I like it. [/b]

    I hear that[/b] brother!

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    i have 2 upstairs and 1 downstairs neighbor. my one neighbor is a photographer for mtv and vh-1 so he basically uses the space for his studio. he is kind of a happy go lucky, a kind of laid back guy that's always asking me if i want a beer when i see him. my other neighbor is a spanish guy, who works mad hours and is afraid of my two dogs.

    now the downstairs neighbor is crazy.

    my fiance and i live in a redeveloped section of the city. it's primarily gay on my block, and the hood is a block away. since we moved to this loft we have noticed how weird we get treated for being a straight couple in this neighborhood. the neighbor under me owns a gourmet market. now i've posted pics of myself before, but since then, my beard has grown in epic proportions. i'm talking civil war general. when my downstairs neighbor sees me with the beard, the tattoos, and finally my two dogs (90 lbs + argentine dogo and a pitbull, both pure white), she gets nervous. nervous that i'm gonna mug her or something, as i'm carrying groceries or records in. i've always been nice to her, even shopped at her store, but she still is a complete asshole. needless to say i stopped shopping there. she even yelled at us for sitting on a city park bench that she claims was hers! she told us we were killing her business. i laughed out loud in her face. since then i don't give her the time of day and make sure to blast slayer at 8am when she's talking real loud outside my bedroom window on weekends.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I lived in house in Flint that had some super white trash neighbors. Always had a budweiser in any of they hands.

    Anyway, dude would come over at ANY time. 7am, 10am, noon,etc. Well one day, I get home from work (bartender) about 4 a.m. I need to go to bed, so to relax me i decide to fuckin jerk-off. Well, about mid jerk, dude straight walks into my room. "hey whats up man, what are you doing?" "Dude, get the fuck out, im jerkin off damn" "Lets go somewhere and do something, im bored" "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

    he left. The next day he had no idea about the whole thing.

    Damn, I was expecting a kind of happy ending. Something like "since that day we had a relationship that's going stronger with each day" or something.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Y'all pay a LOT of attention to your neighbors. Probably a good thing, I don't pay enuff according to my wife.

    My block is quiet. Drug dealer dudes have a grandma who lives at the top end of the block next to the Latino church and they show up there periodically and just chill, making themselves quite conspicuous. Dudes, just keep it in your yard....neighbors don't like it when you are dealing in their alley and smokin' up in the street. Did I mention the cop station is on the next block? Dumb.

    Most of my neighbors are laid back, mostly Latino, couple of black families on our side, several mixed-up families like ours, the gay couple on the end of the street.

    White lady across the street bought her place for SUPER CHEAP cuz it used to be a trashed out drug house.She is forever fixing it up. Her next door neighbor Jose is super chill and tells great stories about those drug cats who used to live there! He is from Honduras and his wife is Dominican, and very dark. My wife and her mother are forever telling me that their Black kids aren't his.

    Across the street is the family I like to call the Ghetto Hillbillies, the loudest-all-their-bizness-in-the-street-even-the-9-year-old-outside-til-past-midnight family you ever saw. White family whose girls(I lose track how many kids, but last count was 4 girls and a boy, ages 6-19) do hair for many of the Black kids in the neighborhood, and who talk the most stereotypical ghetto slang imaginable. I have lost count how many times the ambulance has come to their house(elderly grandma lives with them too), have had to call the cops on them myself at least once(which I am loathe to do, but a dude on their porch was threatening loudly to shoot some stupid kid), but they are not nearly as bad as they sound when you write it all down. When it comes down to it, they are a known quantity, predictable in their very eccentricity, and actually quite friendly. I am sure they think of us as the snooty mixed couple, as neither I nor my wife have a lot to SAY to them, but I try to be nice as I can be.

    Everyone else in the hood is cool...I have some friends that live on the next block, a doctor I worked with and her boyfriend moved in after I told them how much I loved my neighborhood. I have DJ'd their BBQ 2 years running.

    oversized images

    Check out the walking tour of my neighborhood:

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Next door from our aparment we had Hector & Silvina, both in the police. Both crazy as fuck but funny.
    Before our child was born we would go to their aparment and have a couple of drinks, coffee or whatever. There were guns laying around everywhere. Doors had holes in them as a result of Hector getting mad and punch at them. Any way, one day Silvana starts to think Hector is acting strange, so she decides to follow him. He found him making out with a girl in a car. Hector said it was PART OF AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION

    They are gettin divorced now, and left the aparment. I missed them.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    NAny way, one day Silvana starts to think Hector is acting strange, so she decides to follow him. He found him making out with a girl in a car. Hector said it was PART OF AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION

    thats great. Completely reasonable. I mean, you have to set up like you got another life.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    NAny way, one day Silvana starts to think Hector is acting strange, so she decides to follow him. He found him making out with a girl in a car. Hector said it was PART OF AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION

    thats great. Completely reasonable. I mean, you have to set up like you got another life.

    WTF? Hod did you know it was "Silvana" and not "Silvina"? You are not Hector, right?

    Silvina is an old girfriend from the past, her name still plays tricks on me, I guess

    I just read my post and saw I wrote first "Silvina" and then "Silvana".

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    NAny way, one day Silvana starts to think Hector is acting strange, so she decides to follow him. He found him making out with a girl in a car. Hector said it was PART OF AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION

    thats great. Completely reasonable. I mean, you have to set up like you got another life.

    WTF? Hod did you know it was "Silvana" and not "Silvina"? You are not Hector, right?
    Silvina is an old girfriend from the past, her name still plays tricks on me, I guess


  • mrpekmrpek 627 Posts
    I don't know any of my nieghbors. I think they hate me cuz I am loud with the music. I always catch mean mugs from folks

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    I've paid my neighbor dues for sure. In Boston, the dude below us had a basketball hoop in his kitchen. Let's just say he hit a lot of bricks. His way of breaking up with his girlfriend was to just move and not tell her about it. Eventually she found our where he lived and would come hollering outside his window at 3 AM, plastered. Cops would come... this was a weekly occurence. She went as far as to shit on the sidewalk in front of our apt. building

    In Doylestown, we had the "Loser Big Time" graffiti incident. Chain smoking weirdos who's apt. reeked of hamburger grease, menthol, and ammonia. Our washer flooded and the water flooded them below. he called me down to assess the situation. The smell of their apt made me go into dry heaves... nausiating. Then you had the drug dealers who lived catty-corner to us. More foot traffic in there than a subway station. Dudes would cook meth in a bath tub and stay up all night making sailboat sculptures out of Budweiser beer cans. The smell of cooking meth is fucking horrid. They got busted.

    My current house is a dream come true. You can hear a pin drop a block away at night. It also helps that we are encased in double layered brick, lath and plaster. It's like living in a fortress. Neighbors keep to themselves too. Noone talks to each other but the dogs.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    All of my neighbors are stores.

    I am sandwiched in between two hair-saloons which is great because there is always ladies coming and going.

    Above me is a group of buddists who pay the rent by giving meditation lessions.

    Accross the street is a rare poster dealer which is really really cool. This guy has all of these original prints from all over the world. US Military (ie Rosey Riviter), Russian Propagana, and those huge Italian/French wine ads. Very cool stuff.
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