Lost generation-young tough and terrible??
167 Posts
did this lp ever actually c release. I got the title cut on 45 and ive always wondered bout the lp but ive nnever heard anyone mention or ever seen a pic of the lp
Just got it myself about a month ago (the OG album, not the CD )
Is it a
is it? darn, I need a copy.
Ahhh, another case of "diggin in your own crates"...I remember that I bought this album quite a few years ago, but didn't give it a proper listen. I just found it on the shelf, and it's a promo copy to boot .
Cosign on that "This is the Lost Generation" track, it is fiyah, I think I'm feeling the instrumental version more that the vocal version. Definitely on the fence regarding their takes on "Tired of Being Alone" and "Thin Line Between Love and Hate", but "Sure is Funky" has some nice fuzz guitar.
I need a copy of 'Young, Tough...' LP just for the opening track 'This Is The Lost Generation'. Absolutely amazing tune.
For real? Wow. I dunno, I just don't hear it. Sheet, if I can flip/trade mine out for something equivalent, I think I'd be down for that. I really love "Sly, Slick and Wicked" but the other LP just doesn't do it for me as much.
I meant instrumental version of some of the songs
How would you value the debut The_Mack? just curious...
darn, I've never seen it poppin up @ the german bay...but I didn't think it's that raer