are you a closet brit pop fan?

REVEAL YOURSELF!this might be a long shot, but any closet brit pop fans here? consider this thread your therapy session but expect the emo rap icon to be dispersed appropiately ;-) well u dont have to just discuss brit pop just talking stuff straight outta the UK sort of around around 93 - 98 (i found a recent brit popish kind of mixtape i had in school, and want to track down the stuff i forgot about, the stuff i'm listing may be pretty commercial if you're a uk'er, but where i was that wasn't so, so please gimmie stuff, i'm talking stuff like;echobelly - give her a gun, king of the kerb (chick is dime!)supergrass-alrightsude aka london suede - trash, animal nitrate...the whole coming up albummansun-wide open space, we are the boyspulp- bar italia, disco 2000, whole different class albumkarmacoma- trickybluetones - slight returncharlatans uk - impossiblestone roses- fools goldblur -chemical world, beatle bum, tenderoasis - stand by me, don't look back in angerlush - ladykillermanic street preachers - design for life,everything must go, tsunami, and many others
At my school at least the students were firmly split between the hip hop/junglists and the rockers so can't say I listened to too much britpop from that period. Always had a soft spot for James' Laid though. Takes a lot of effort to produce a song that camp.
i even dug the second tricky album..."she makes me wanna die" is a spine chilling song, and martina does the rakim track nice
Yeah I always rated PMT, one of those albums that properly rewarded repeat listens. Makes Me Wanna Die would definitely be my entry in the Songs that make you cry thread.
Sad to think that apart from a couple of tracks on Nearly God and with Muggs on Juxtapose, Tricky has pretty much done shit all of interest since.
i liked what he said about the term "trip hop"...."it what college kids refer to so its not considered hip hop"..i guess he went out of his way to not have that sound, he caught a lot of flak for it on PMT. Christian sands is so dope...isn't it a slick rick vocal sample on that one? haven't listened to that song in years, gotta get it...
Christian Sands is a great track, and Bad Dreams used to blow me away, shit I'm going to have to dig out my copy right now.
Heavily Pixies-inspired, came out in 1995 I think, it's great.
never thought I'd see a James thread on here! I went to the wedding of one of his band members recently & Tim did a little number. Tim himself got married last weekend & my Lady worked at his reception, tim & his wife are big into their spiritual stuff & they did the Five senses dance - something to do with acting out the five emotions through expressive dance or some such..
i still fuck with blur, elastica, etc - but a lot stuff from the second and third-string britpop bands did not age particularly well.
this used to be my JOINT though.
stealing that and the source from waldenbooks at woodbridge mall every month...memories.
select used to come with these giant foldout posters of album covers - everything from "parklife" to the cypress hill "black sunday" art to random pop will eat itself joints with the pepsi-cola font.
what was the deal with tht group space hog? i think they had members from the uk.
their song "in the meantime" is one of my top 5 basslines of all time...listen to it at least once in your lifetime
"in the meantime" is indeed rad (i dig their "cruel to be kind" cover, too) the second album had a few jams as well, both discs are perrennial CD dollar binners worth a rescue.
one of the spacehogs went on to marry liv tyler.
no closet for me, i loved that shit and still enjoy it in moderation.
HA! SELECT was boss. The posters were worth the import cost of admission alone...and I loved the democratic reviews section that would wax on about rap music using brit witticisms. such a trip for me back then. they would also do insane cover articles (happy mondays recording on some tropical island whilst on crack and one of them catching gangrene? yes...please!) and were obsessed with kylie back in 1992 before it was *cool* to be obsessed with kylie. i could go on and on and on.
my parents took me to london as an early teen and all i wanted to do was listen to pirate radio and buy "import" british cd singles by the blur and primal scream and the smiths/moz and sesame's treat and the farm.
co-sign. i like this record
I'm unabashedly a brit pop fan if those bands are the ones we're talking... peace to that guy in Grand Rapids to putting me on BDB.
silent sigh is my sheit...great video too
I liked Elastica's first LP though.
This thread is soooooooooooo
Spacehog were brits who met in NYC, started touring, played Vegas, and then the lead singer met Liv Tyler and decided to make babies.
This thread needs more of this
this album gets a lot of love in my ipod
and this one is one of my favorites
Hells yeah. Their first album was a complete Gary Numan rip-off but in a catchy way.
Elastica was my shit too. Mainly because I got my head seriously kicked by some crowd surfer at their gig in Glastonbury 2000.
This soundtrack is my sheit as well:
possibly the Brit-pop equivalent of the "Singles" soundtrack.
not to mention this DVD which makes Oasis' Gallagher Bros accidental comedians:
Major Co-sign on South. Great newer british rock band. Not really britpop. Their work with James Lavelle for the Sexy Beast OST is amazing. Turn that OST up loud and boom it. I'm glad the O.C. gave them some shine (they used Paint the Silence for the ferris wheel kiss during the first season)
BEAUTIFUL. One of the favorite 12" singles I own.
Cosign on a lot of the other mentions in this thread. Maxinquaye is just gorgeous. Select Magazine really confused me but also turned me onto the Tindersticks. Thank you, Steve Lamacq.
How come nobody talkin' about Ride or MBV? Haha....