My sister just got back from Mississippi



  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Ernie's Lag

    Ripped Fucking Shrinkwarp

    Motherfuck you all.

    So disrespected.

  • what, you don't watch blind date??

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    it's ok......the internet is a reflection of the real world.

    take solace in that......

    her stuff reminded me of this...

    top notch, kudos to your sis

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Aser watch your (real world) mailbox.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    thats insane. i still obviously haven't fully grasped what has gone on down there.

  • Your sister's an incredible photographer, but you're not so hot at writing compelling headlines, so chill out about not having the most popular thread.

  • "These cars had been submerged and snakes were living in them"

    That's insane. I can't even begin to wrap my brain around the fallout from this whole mess. These pics help.

    Thanks for posting this.

  • I forwarded that link to everyone I know. Gutwrenching and reconfirms the greatness of the heatrocks drive. thanks man.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Your sister's an incredible photographer, but you're not so hot at writing compelling headlines, so chill out about not having the most popular thread.

    You chill the fuck out, dude. Who said anything about "popularity?" I was talking about the stars. And anyway this thread doesn't have anything to do with me, it's about my sister, and mostly about Mississipi[/b]. So don't start no shit. I can call motherfuckers out if I deem it necessary, because I know in this case I am justified.

    Plus this is my big problem with the star feature and why I think it's wack. Just another way for people to be vindictive and passive aggressive, and then with a "lower rating" the content buried within is lost IMO. Yeah, give 5 stars to some bullshit inside joke. But shit that pertains to real life impact, and that may be a bit provocative just gets people shook. Who knows.

    Shit does piss me off though. Whatever happened to people actually being appreciated for the merit of their contributions?

    And anyway my headlines bury most others so don't test me.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I spelled Mississippi wrong, sorry.

    And sorry for my rant. I know people appreciate this.

  • Whatever happened to people actually being appreciated for the merit of their contributions?

    An excellent question. Dudes like the homie Pickwick get no love on here.

  • Your sister's work is amazing. I forwarded it to a few people, my wife who's a photographer/teacher said "she's not bad!" (which is a huge compliment, she's a huge snob, kind of like us with the music) My aunt who lives in baton rouge liked it too.

    Don't take it personal, I try to start threads all the time and people would rather talk about asses, being drunk, umpteen fuggin price checks, and the approved way to hang their rackords.
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