Bush Cronies Get Katrina Contracts


  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    It is unbelievable that Cheney continues to get paid by Haliburton while in his position. No clearer instance of a conflict of interest is possible in my mind. What has he publicly said about the justification for staying on the payroll. "Look I don't have a big enough retirement yet?"

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    what do you expect.... Them NOT to capitalize on human suffering? That's their M.O.!

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    what do you expect.... Them NOT to capitalize on human suffering? That's their M.O.!

    what do you expect.... Them NOT to capitalize on human suffering? That's their M.O.!

    what do you expect.... Them NOT to capitalize on human suffering? That's their M.O.!

    what do you expect.... Them NOT to capitalize on human suffering? That's their M.O.!

    Let's see if the democrats and the media stay on this.
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