They Got No Home, Pay 'Em Sh*t! (NRR)

last Katrina/NOLA post by me ever, this shits making me crazy. Found this at the bottom of an AP story:"Bush immediately signed the measure. "More resources will be needed as we work to help people get back on their feet[/b] ," he said. Bush also issued an executive order on Thursday allowing federal contractors rebuilding in the aftermath of the hurricane to pay below the prevailing wage[/b] , drawing rebukes from two congressional Democrats who said stricken families need good wages to rebuild their lives. "First of all, those should be local contractors rebuilding and second, what the f*ck is "below prevailing wage"? This guy does not have a clue what communities or people need.I wish I lived somewhere else. Got any room K?SONIC
Could it be that the Candians have really been BOOT IT BOOT IT all along?
Glad to see the Democrats really stepping up for the poor.
Only at the beach house
K in Canada.
Oh and also, on another note, I will fuck a motherfucker UP.
So basically the Halliburton's of the world get to keep charging the same mad money, but they can pay their workers less??? How do these guys walk around with such huge elephant balls in their pants????
You guys all know Haliburton is doing (at least some of) the rebuilding, right?
I also heard today that those $2000 debit cards have been suspended in favor of checks and something else I can't quite remember. I saw it on TV before I went to bed.
Oh yeah, and FUCK these fools.