So is anyone else completely depressed?



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    wow, mabye things are pretty bad. check it out.

    Baby In stroller Stabbed in New York Street.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    I and I feel like it's all a lie cause all I want to do is just go to sleep and never wake up. This shit has got me in a terrible daze and I'm really feeling "completely depressed" like you said Patrick, I dunno.

    yeah man....interesting little thing. When I woke up this morning I decided to put on VH1 while I tried to steal a few more winks of rest. In between being asleep and awake that Green Day video comes on when they sing "wake me up when September is over" I was like "woooord the fuck up...".

    P.S. I'm sorry if I turned this thread into a "HELP! EVERYONE LOOK AT ME!" Too-much-info-jump-off but it felt cathartic.

    Naw man, were all there. That's why i started the think about it thread, cuz I really can stand another day of this fucking country and I know I be just as pissed in another country. It's just an overwellming feeling of powerlessness. A friend the other day was talking about how lots of 9/11 families still haven't got their money and billions was raised. Now that makes me think all the money were raising isn't goingn to get to the people we want it to. Fucked up!!!!!!

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    What depresses/pisses me off is that nowhere else in the world do you have a media outlet as massive as the states. i think if people visually witnessed events around the world,with such extensive media coverage, just as they have seen in nola, there'd be a lot more compassion. i dont mean to present such a disgusting image, but if people visually saw babys with limbs blasted off, bombs accidentally dropped on their homes, mother's crying cause their children were wiped out, and tanks rolling by their house, and witnessed the country that supported that by re-electing "Chimpeach me Bush" for the SECOND time, and they(Iraq) are viewed as somehow being associated with 9/11...i just think this massive Bush hating in the open(mainstream media-wise) would have occured at lot sooner and seriously. i can't phucking think how awful those people must feel, and its no wonder the world looks at the US as arrogant backwards on before you get pissed at that statement...

    can someone please tell me how the "oh we dont really care about osama, but we want freedom in iraq...uh we'l have a war there" issue has been phucking buried in the mainstrem media? how the phuck has that been buried. you dont care about osama anymore? his name hasn't been mentioned in the mainstream media for ages. how the hell??? this my friends, this is why the world hates the States, guts. it makes NO sense, and people are convinced that all Americans think like that when it not true...but if you were an outsider how would u see it?

    while its only true for 50% of inhabitants (or a little over which got him back in house) it still reflects on the whole country perception wise...damn man, even canadians HATE the states, and we are friendly and have polar bears in our backyards for phucks sakes!

    just reflecting on things i've heard here in United States junior recently...its a sad thing in human psychology that makes people hate on a general level, usually its called racism,prejudice, but if its towards America, it just seems normal to the rest of the world these days

    but seriously, there's optimism in me for that whole regime getting called on (and its sad that a govt gives an impression that its country's inhabitants share their views).

    i'm glad the embarassment of the recent events has fallen on him. im phucking sad that its been at the expense of innocent people, god bless them.

    Chimpeach Bush for 2005!

    my heartfelt blessings to victims of nola and people suffering worldwide without media recognition.

    sorry if none of this is coherent, just experiencing many thoughts/feelins at the same time, some pity, some anger, some frustration.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    i'm also pissed off that a lot of the suffering nola people are being exploited by shows like current affair showing harry connick junior "take the shirt of his back" to "rescue" someone, put the phucking cameras off and just get down to business, could u be any more phucking predictable?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    i'm also pissed off that a lot of the suffering nola people are being exploited by shows like current affair showing harry connick junior "take the shirt of his back" to "rescue" someone, put the phucking cameras off and just get down to business, could u be any more phucking predictable?

    Ugggggghhhhhhhhh! I almost puked when I saw "Oprah's Angels". But I cheared back up when that broke ass brother got to cop a feel on Pretty Woman!!!!!!

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts

    can someone please tell me how the "oh we dont really care about osama, but we want freedom in iraq...uh we'l have a war there" issue has been phucking buried in the mainstrem media? how the phuck has that been buried. you dont care about osama anymore? his name hasn't been mentioned in the mainstream media for ages. how the hell???

    Yea, Letterman goes at the Pres about this more that the media ever will. Dave's always taking a jab about "remember when Bush said we won't rest until we find him, public enemy #1 etc....."

    He's already taking it to the gov about NO as well.

  • wow, mabye things are pretty bad. check it out.

    Baby In stroller Stabbed in New York Street.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    It's a grim reminder that my people don't matter.

    i have a question for you you think the neglect had more to do with race or class?

    Hey Ed,

    I think it's both, though I think race plays a large role given the demographics in New Orleans. Like I always say, poor White folks, as well as those from other minority groups, get a raw deal too. Ain't nuttin' sweet up in Appalachia either; however, I think we'd see a different response if the Appalachian Mountains fell and the residents were in danger. Feel me?


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Feel me?

  • Feel me?

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