Charity Dub Compilation

DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,801 Posts
edited July 2020 in Strut Central

Some guys under the impression that I make good DJ mixes asked me if I wanted to be involved in their dub album. With all this lockdown time on their hands, they challenged each other to make sample-free original dub compositions, and Dubs On Acid is the result:

Available on bandcamp as part of the 14 track 'Dubs on Acid' compilation album.

It's a name your price release, you choose how much to pay.

All proceeds from this project will go to the Refugee Community Kitchen.

Just a £1 donation makes a difference - it's enough for two hot meals.

Buy album/donate:

You can read more about the charity and the work they do on their website

Dubs on Acid is a collaboration between eight musicians, a DJ and an artist.

Every track on the album (with a couple of extras and alternate versions added in for good measure) has been expertly crafted into 'Duder’s Soundbwoy Flashback Mix', a DJ mix by Duderonomy.

The front cover is an original hand drawn illustration. A true work of art.

Both the DJ mix and high resolution copies of the artwork are included with the bandcamp album.

Released by:
Keeping Track & Echo Deck
Release date:
6 July 2020

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