Red Dead Redemption 2

Get a 60 inch HD tv and the latest Xbox, take a 3 month sabbatical, and spend the most rewarding time of your life running around pretending to be Clint Eastwood. Hype is justified. It isn’t perfect, but it’s fucking fun.
It seemed stark that the technology behind rendering the world in visuals and sound, and animating AI figures in that world, has vastly surpassed games' (or game developers') ability to conceive of ways to interact with that world. Hope I'm wrong, I guess I'll give it a go some time anyway and see.
It's been like this since "Space Invaders". If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it until it moves and then shoot it.
Srs doe, I wonder if long-term players do actually get de-sensitized to violence to the point where stabbing someone to death IRL is the defacto response to any small disagreement or accidental bump.
I guess the argument back is that the game is offering "Escapism" but really, does everyone dream of violent rampages?
As for escapism vs. desensitizing, who fucking knows when there's so much other real and depicted violence everywhere. Given how many millions of people are shooting each other on fortnite at any given time I'd assume it to only be a trigger for people already on the road to being violent themselves.
I get the complaints, but not every shoulder bump reacts in violence - there’s a lot more to it going on than that, and I think if I did have that sabbatical, I could play it through twice; once as a no-fucks-given psychopath, and once trying to be the whiter-than-white Singing Cowboy, and have two very different game experiences.
Would be good if they made a game where contacts and information gathered (not through force) could be developed, but ultimately these are meant to be escapism: my dad also has Fallout76, and so much attention to detail has gone into the periodic chores that are needed to survive in a radioactive wasteland that it just isn’t fun, it’s housework under duress from mutant rats and rogue robots.
I later wondered if one or both of us were going to get knifed and simultaneously angry at myself for not being violent.