The Wiz

LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
Caught most of the TV version last night.
Saw the road show back in the day.
Have listened to the movie soundtrack.
Remember when Easy On Down The Road was on the radio.

How do strutters rate this?
Which was best theater; Broadway, Hollywood, TV?
Which was best music?


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I missed the damn show. And I was getting notifications on my my FB page.....I just dont tune into regular TV these days unless its my specific shows.

    I saw the play in the 70's w/ Stephanie Mills.  My pops introduced me to the dude who play the Lion in the play/film.

    B'Way Soundtrack has Dee Dee Bridgewater as Glinda.

    The Motown Film is excellent and one of the shining examples of African American Fantasy, which is a raer genre.
    You Cant Win is MJ's first official single on Epic. Got the '45.

    Went to see the recent Off-Bway Play the evening MJ passed away. Special moment shit. Tichina Arnold killed the Wicked Witch.

    White folks that can handle another version of the the Wizard of OZ need to fall back. Its a fuckin' book w/ many interpretations.
    The Wiz is its own brand. The same way Oz and Wicked are legit spin-offs.

    Quincy Jones Film Gatefold Soundtrack > Play Soundtrack.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Thanks B. Let me know how when you watch the TV version, and slot it in historically.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    sergeboi said:
    It's all pretty bad. Can't believe you wasted your time watching it but I guess no one sought you out on grindr that night.
    It wasn't anything close to that bad. Way better than the Pan or S.o.M. ones. A few weak moments, but overall it was well done.

  • Wasn't able to see the TV version but I caught the movie version on a plane and couldn't believe I'd gone so many years without having ever seen it before. Seriously awesome

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Bway - collard greens w hamhocks
    Hollywood - collard greens w bacon
    TV - collard greens w smoked turkey
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