
  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Man, that is way too long to read. Synopsis, please?

  • ...

  • I kind of agree with this...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    What does Brian think?

  • Glibertarians tongue Koch brother taint on a daily basis.

    Is that a PC thing to say? I've been told it isn't.

    PC is a phrase used to express the frustration right-wingers feel because people now give them shit when they express incredibly stupid, racist opinions or yell "faggot" in public. Stop crying, ignorant little Klan bastards. You have it all coming.

    The anniversary of Selma passes and wingnuts quote that ONE quote by MLK and dilute the Voting Rights Act. Meanwhile, in state after state run by neo-Confederate shitbags black voters, in the last two Presidential elections, stood in line for hours in order to vote. And the pigfuckers whining about PC are perfectly okay with it.

    They can all drink Drano-Meth cocktails as far as I'm concerned. Is that a PC statement? Do I sound intolerant? Do I give a rat's ass if I do?
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