New Aphex Twin
1,463 Posts
13 years since Drukqs
Thoughts? Impressions? Feelings?
Thoughts? Impressions? Feelings?
when teh journalists write in their articles that it's been 13 years since Drukqs, are they just willfully ignoring all the stuff he's put out under different names during the interim?
Haven't had a chance to take in the whole album yet but definitely was lingering on this tune -
I did also enjoy the design of the web feature Pitchfork had on Richard D.
listening and relistening - it seems a bit all too easy to access at first - but then, it keeps hitting you with all these little layered flashbacks of evolving electronic music - like raves you went to bitd - drum and bass tunes - even some shades of 80s electro - its very nostalgic in a way - folding in on an old genre for a bit, then unfolding into its own sound again - dips into everything and remains cohesive . its striking me as a very very good album i must say - got me catching mad flashbacks and feelings and schitttt
syro trakk is sikk 2
sad i did not get picked for limited edition vinylz
awesome to think that it was all done with hardware
my only minor quip is that the drums on most of the tracks are a bit same-ish but it's not a big deal and he redeems himself at the end with earthportal mix
but the real question is:
I believe the answer is a definitive "yes."
That xmas jawn is ill same with s950tx16wasr10.
I really Aisatsana. Type of track that makes me content and thankful, for some reason.
not sure how the rest of the album will play out, but i kept thinking of it being on the same level/vibe as 'feed me weird things' as far as IDM albumz go.
not sure the link works! [acutally, it worked once I copied the url from your post, not when I clicked on the link]
I only found out about this yesterday. Maybe a week ago I had seen post a soundcloud link to a new Aphex Twin track and I thought "that's cool, he put out one more track." Little did I know...
Doesn't work for me. Are these the modular tracks that were put up on SC when the noyzelab interview was published? Been looking for those.
Re: Syro, yeah, xmas eve is my fave too. That's a beast of a track. When it switches to druggy dub percussion mode in the last third – goosebumps.!oQYhiZLR!0JgeqyNmIi2kCJDCTuO3-6Dt3tnKFk1r9K2TO1kb4Yo
All those years he said in interviews that he had loads of unreleased material, and I thought he might be bullshitting.
copy+paste works
His new LP is interesting too, and I think the rumours are he has more albums to drop.
I'm not sure what's up with Mega.
Is there a faster way?
also heard from a reliable source that there are hundreds more ready to be posted .....soon
hoping it includes more drugks stuff
I remember when the rumours first surfaced that Aphex Twin had claimed he had enough unreleased material sitting at home to make several albums, and it kind of sounded like the boast of an eccentric recluse that would probably never amount to anything, and as his recent output had dropped off in quantity and perhaps quality, I also suppose it was wishful thinking that he wasn't just bullshitting.
He wasn't just bullshitting.
Been listening to that DJ Food aphex mix, and there's some excellent music in it.
Only Aphex can have shit like this sitting around unreleased:
There's no recommended rpm/speed - your meant to choose your own adventure. Like, I'm finding that some tracks sound particularly dope at 33rpm/+8.
but when do we get the fastest bits rich?