Montreal Strut..First time going there.Whats Crackin?

fountain16fountain16 93 Posts
edited August 2014 in Strut Central
headed up to Montreal on Tuesday, leaving Saturday. Rented a place in the Plateau. Going with my GF who is also into records as well as vintage Mod-ish clothes. Any help on record digging, clothing digging, & nice bistro/cafe's in addition to essential other sightseeing we can realistically pack into a 4 night stay in the area we are in, would be very much appreciated.thanks a lot. F16


  • Hey man, sorry i don't have much time but i will try to get back to you with some things to do before you leave. In the meantime you can check this out towards the end. I also sent Ketan some maps with a few spots to check out so maybe try reaching out by pm. Quick search should get you a few other not too old threads with some good info.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts
    I will PM you with the PMs ASAP. Had a blast on my recent trip. Montreal is one of those cities where you don't need to over plan things. Just set up a mission for the day, walk around as much as you can, and you'll come across all sorts of interesting/tasty stuff. MTL is one of those rare cities where there are records for sale all over the place... lots of 2nd hand shops... lots of great spots for new releases.

    If either of you like books, then you must go to Drawn and Quarterly. Ask to see Guy Delisle's stuff. There's a couple of great records stores nearby too.

    St Viateur or that other place are a must for bagels.

    Aux Vivres is tasty as hell and vegan.

    If you want to splash out and eat a bunch of tasty meat, go to Joe Beef.
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