102 Secret, Insane, Cosmic, Monster Scat Breaks and Fuzz Drama Psych Loops
dude, i have said before and i will say it again: while it's your choice on how to market your own property, this is a shiesty business practice. it looks like you have some interesting things, i would probably consider buying off of you if you dropped this bullshit. i am sure there are others out there that feel the same.
dude, i have said before and i will say it again: while it's your choice on how to market your own property, this is a shiesty business practice. it looks like you have some interesting things, i would probably consider buying off of you if you dropped this bullshit. i am sure there are others out there that feel the same.
But I would never EVER buy from Russia. Them dudes are 3XTKA shiesty.
I also have a number of trusted buyers in Russia.
Always buyer beware, but there are good record folk in Russia.
What does it say about the real market value if he has to employ secret squirrel tactics to try and peddle this shit for a measly $20-$50 per slice?
Only logical reason for these shyster antics is the fact that there are landfills of this garbage out there and once you'd google the titles you'd find them for like half a ruble.
2DJ_WubWub: thanks for your balanced view on the topic.
I know it's not all racism and Putin.
Is it?
how much do you charge for the vintage TVs?
that said, your response to finelikewine in this thread was genuinely inspired.
No! I will video the junk in his yard.
Welcome to soulstrut. You will fit right in. Looking forward to your continued participation.
Dude is here to sell his Bulgarian disco records from 1987 for a bargain, better-than-Kiswell price of $25. He doesn't give a shit about this board. He's on his Record Kingz secret squirrel grind.
Or, maybe not.
2 crabmongerfunk: that's clear that secret shit retracts customers from me. however it brings some sales as well so I can't be sure which way could be the best to me.
2 LaserWolf: thank you for your kind words!
Now I'm not interested in World Cup anymore as Russia just finished their participation ultimately after game with Algeria. It plays as shitty as Bulgarian disco from 1987 from my listings on eBay ;)
I like this guy.
You're kidding, right?
For the slim off-chance that you're just completely ignorant of what's going on in your own country, here's some food for thought:
What about Maxim Martsinkevicha and his fascist gang hunting down, torturing and killing homosexuals:
Funny enough, chubby Maxim also likes to pose as some sort of nazi pin-up boy which puts his above pictured activities in a whole different conext:
Or what about the Russian SS, short for "Slawjanskij Sojus":
Or what about St. Petersburg's "NS/WP" (short for nationalist-socialist/white power) who killed and videotaped the killings of two African men from Ghana and Guinea-Bissau?
There are several dozen of racist, xenophobic and homophobic motivated killings in Russia every year.
No, no racism in Russia, we suffered too badly from the war with hitler...
seems like this guy failed to get the memo:
Foreign students in St. Petersburg protesting the killing of a Congolese student in 2005. The same year a Chinese, one Vietnamese, one Arabian and one Peruvian (and most likely more) also were killed by fascist mobs, prompting 1.500 foreign students to get the fuck out of Russia and flee back home:
And what about the Eurasian Migrant workers in Russia that are regularly being hunted down and killed by fascists, soccer fans or just your run of the mill, frustrated, drunk citizens?
Xenophobia summary for 2013 according to Russian NGO SOVA:
"According to preliminary data for the year, such attacks in 32 regions of Russia resulted in the deaths of no fewer than 20 people and injuries to no fewer than 173. Additionally, nine people were targets of serious death threats.
The capital cities maintained their status as the leading centers of racist violence, with eight killed and 53 injured in Moscow, and three killed and 32 injured in St. Petersburg. There were many victims in the Lipetsk region (four killed, 9 injured); the Chelyabinsk and Moscow regions (both with eight injured); and the Sverdlovsk region (two killed, four injured).
In 2013, the primary victims of attack from far-right activists were natives of the Central Asian countries (13 killed, 39 injured), the Caucasus (three killed, 26 injured), people identified simply as bearing a ÔÇ£non-Slavic appearanceÔÇØ (one killed, 28 injured), blacks (five injured), and Chinese (six injured). Others who faced assault were the same groups targeted by repressive laws passed recently: minority religious groups (24 injured) and the LGBT community (one killed, 25 injured). At the same time, the number of attacks on leftist activists and members of youth groups decreased (seven injured); these had formerly been primary targets for the far right. "
2014 so far:
January 2014: "No fewer than 11 people fell victim to physical assaults by neo-Nazis or other xenophobic groups in January 2014. One man, a Moscow native of Uzbekistan, died from his injuries."
February 2014: "Three people were killed this month in xenophobic or neo-Nazi attacks. Since the beginning of the year, no fewer than 14 people have fallen victim to racist and xenophobic violence, with six of those being killed, in six regions of the country."
March 2014: "This month, no fewer than thirteen people fell victim to racist violence in Moscow and the Moscow and Irkutsk regions, one of them being killed. We are also aware that ultra-right activists staged so-called ÔÇÿwhite carsÔÇÖ ÔÇô where non-Slavic people on public transit are targeted for attack ÔÇô on at least three occasions. (This phenomenon is also known in the nationalist community as ÔÇÿcleaning.ÔÇÖ) "
April 2014: "In April, no fewer than 6 people fell victim of racist or neo-Nazi attacks. Among them, one man ÔÇô a Tajik citizen ÔÇô was killed in Moscow.
Since the beginning of this year, 8 people were killed and at least 31 were injured in such attacks, in 11 regions of the Russian Federation. In addition, one person received death threats. "
May 2014: "In May 2014, no fewer than 17 people fell victim of racist and neo-Nazi attacks, and one of them was killed. These attacks were reported in Saint-Petersburg (3 injured), the Astrakhan region (1 injured), the Krasnodar territory (1 killed, 7 injured), Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk regions (2 injured in both). The victims are natives of the Caucasus (1 killed, and 7 injured) and of Central Asia (1 injured), as well black people (3 injured), people of «non-Slavic appearance» (2 injured), members of informal groups (2 injured) and others (1 injured).
In total, according to our preliminary data, 10 people have been killed and at least 48 injured in 17 regions of Russia since the beginning of 2014. One person have received serious death threats."
If you feel like doing some more in-depth homework:
I am not telling that Russia is the majic land of love and unity but it's not more nazi than your country or other countries that you used to call "civilized". If you will study history of it and it's national composition it would be quite clear.
A situation where thousands of foreign students feel like they have to leave St. Petersburg because several of their peers were killed by nazi thugs is pretty much unique.
Your way of justifying these acts with the impact of "millions of unregistered workers from Central Asia spreaded among the whole country" speaks volumes. It becomes clear that you are very well aware of these pogroms and racist killings but chose to explain them away and relativize them by what's happening elsewhere while dismissing the findings of a internationally well respected NGO as "a couple of internet crap pieces".
By doing so you offer a quite sobering, shameful and not unexpected glimpse into the Russian psyche.
"By doing so you offer a quite sobering, shameful and not unexpected glimpse into the Russian psyche." - Agree, your psyche and race are superior!
In the same way I like Frank even though he is pro global warming.
oh man... normally I always get beat up for being too negative, can't I ever do anything right?
Germany today actually has a pretty decent human rights record. A much better one than the US and light years away from Russia.
Not that this would mean much to me personally cause I don't have a single patriotic bone in my body. Not even a patriotic scrap of cartilage. To be perfectly honest, the Krauts, I can't fucking stand them. People in general repulse me. Especially pretentious half-witts like you.
Not sure what your point is, if you want to relativize what's happening in Russia right now with Nazi Germany then I really wonder what sort of a point that would be and who you aim to please with this derailed train of thought. Despite your own mis-guided ego that is. But if you like to revisit the 30s to 40s, don't forget that Stalin's home made '32-'33 famine alone killed around 8 million people with the total death toll of the Stalin regime clocking in at around 20-60 million depending on the source you want to believe.
Secret squirrel soviet dude stated that the concept of racism is completely foreign to Russian society and would simply not exist in Russia. I proved him wrong. Now you're attacking me for being german? What kind of sense does this make? What's wrong with you fucking people? Do you feel like you're in a competition of what's the best country of all? There's no such thing. People are shit wherever you go, only some places there's less corruption than others. Some places resemble an out of control police state more than others. Some places foreigners have a bigger chance of getting killed in the street then in others. Some places, food, wine and spirits are better than other places. I make my choice according to season and momentary, personal preference and believe me when I say that I'd much rather live in Nigeria than in fucking Russia but again, that's just me.
I traveled more in my life than you ever will and I'm not near being done yet. My point of view in regards of Russia has been informed by talking to natives who have chosen to leave the country and hearing from friends who have lived there for years.
2 Frank: I did not tell that racism completely don't exist. I just told that it can't seriously exist. I mean that this thing is not about what normal Russian thinks all the time. Racism exists everywhere and the fact that you are shitting here on my country proves that it exists on this board even. You are trying to show here that Russians are more racists than others. All efforts to prove that one nation is worse than other nation is not far away from Hitler's idea and a priory are wrong.
Everything depends on the point of view. I have many friends from many countries who live in Moscow and does not experience any problems with racism bullshit and love to live here.
If you are that big traveller than I repeat that why not to visit Russia to see with your own eyes. If you bring some strictly blue-eyed-soul records than we can arrange a gig for you ;)