safe distance from vent? (rr)

eldest daughter is moving into the plushest room of the house now that a new girl has arrived, so my records got the boot. sigh. life in the basement ain't so bad, but i have a heating/cooling vent to deal with on one wall.

our thermostat is usually set to 21 Celsius... how close is too close? are the records above and beside safe in the winter? is it crazy to put more records directly in front of the vent? do 7"s fare better with direct sort-of heat than 12"s?
any advice appreciated!

our thermostat is usually set to 21 Celsius... how close is too close? are the records above and beside safe in the winter? is it crazy to put more records directly in front of the vent? do 7"s fare better with direct sort-of heat than 12"s?
any advice appreciated!
Build a rectangle, find some thin insulation to line the inside, build a slightly smaller rectangle to go inside. To cover up the insulation in between the boxes, just get some sort of plain molding to cover it. Did any of that make sense?
Then you've got an insulated pass through. I'd draw a picture, but I'm on a phone. The double box might even be good enough without any insulation. Just line it up with the vent and have it shoot through.
Do it out of recycled books. Screw them together to make it sturdy. You can probably make quite a few things that would look good on the shelf and would act as a simple pass through
What C7 said.
Just out of curiosity, what effect do you think that would have? Warpage of le records or making the sleeves more brittle or something aesthetic like that?
I was planning on building some matching boxes for 45s this summer, so I might use that space to have some slide-out boxes that have an insulated back wall, while still allowing air to flow around the individual boxes.
(Actually, I might just throw some chud there now and see what it's like in a month!)
Cheaper and easier than fabricating something yourself.
I'm more confident about putting records there (short ones, so that air can still flow over), but I'm going to test out some chud and make sure.
Like the man said, direct sunlight is what causes warpage.
Heard someone say this weekend, "records should live where you live".
I was thinking of long term effect of extreme low humidity, over time the sleeves might get more brittle.
Since this is a basement room I would be more concerned about general dampness than dryness.
A backed up drain pipe can cause a basement to flood, so no quality records on the bottom shelf.