I am Hemol, and I beat all of you losers. Just needed to make sure you know.



  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    bassie said:
    batmon said:

    oh ok now I remember who this guy is. from Jonny's expression, I take it it was a listening party?

    That's at a bar. same night as the Hall & Oates photo


  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    JectWon said:

    First of all, who's your A&R?

    Ha! Merked.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    The hits keep on comin'...

  • Options
    Still got those Cloudicorns????

  • batmon said:

    Hemol.. Elroy Hemol gets the Gas Face..

  • so this is hemol, mr. "incredibly capable"?

  • they're just lettin' anybody rap now, huh?

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    This guy can't be for real. This whole thing is so absurd I'm having trouble buying any of it. Specially after hearing that 'music'.
    b/w If people with these kinds of musical sensibilities are working for Waxpoetics, I'm definitely not going to bother with it anymore.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    they're just lettin' anybody rap and/or make beats now, huh?

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    JectWon said:
    The hits keep on comin'...

    I smell dads money and a prescription for lithium.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:

    488 views can't be wrong.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,145 Posts

    lol, this guy...

    his interview w/ lil ugly mane was seriously the saddest thing i've read all year...



  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    He examined the roots of sampling in hip hop with his master's thesis at Tisch School of the Arts.

  • He beat you, and you losers are just going to have to deal with your sad little lives..

    I never really posted a lot on SoulStrut but this type of thing is what I always loved about this site, I don't remember the Hemol first wave but he seems to have been given a clowning so hard, that it has had an adverse affect on his mental state resulting in this fascinating thread.

    I have to admire his absolute lack of self awareness that obviously helps him get things done in the real world of today, but the result is so heinous with the rapping, dancing, onesies, whitey picnics, vape-ing, word vomit-y interviews that seem to steer towards talking about himself ("fosho" realy??) etc. I can only come to the conclusion that the aforementioned clowning was either not hard enough to stop him or too hard and responsible for creating him, like some sort of superhero comic storyline.

    And Wax Poetics really employ this cat to write for them? I stopped picking it up after issue 5 or 6, I can only imagine it's a very different publication nowadays. He probably gets paid more than I do. *shrugs*

    Never seen anything like it.

    Stay gold SoulStrut

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    Delay said:
    JectWon said:
    The hits keep on comin'...

    I smell dads money and a prescription for lithium.


    Most likely his Pops...a very expensive and effective Defense attorney in Florida. Would also make sense how he is loosely associated with whatever stupid Florida coke story blahblahblah that he claimed in his initial post.

    Nothing to see here folks...just another hack with an inflated sense of self and skill; rocking HARD on his Daddy's dime. I thought it was going to be interesting....nope....typical shit.

    Damn now I'm bored with this dude.

  • Soulstrut Gold.

  • tabiratabira 856 Posts
    striker said:
    He beat you, and you losers are just going to have to deal with your sad little lives..

    I never really posted a lot on SoulStrut but this type of thing is what I always loved about this site, I don't remember the Hemol first wave but he seems to have been given a clowning so hard, that it has had an adverse affect on his mental state resulting in this fascinating thread.

    I have to admire his absolute lack of self awareness that obviously helps him get things done in the real world of today, but the result is so heinous with the rapping, dancing, onesies, whitey picnics, vape-ing, word vomit-y interviews that seem to steer towards talking about himself ("fosho" realy??) etc. I can only come to the conclusion that the aforementioned clowning was either not hard enough to stop him or too hard and responsible for creating him, like some sort of superhero comic storyline.

    And Wax Poetics really employ this cat to write for them? I stopped picking it up after issue 5 or 6, I can only imagine it's a very different publication nowadays. He probably gets paid more than I do. *shrugs*

    Never seen anything like it.

    Stay gold SoulStrut

    This degree of ultra refined high grade non-self awareness is so rare and hard to achieve - it take years of persistent denial and total absolutist self regard spun around in an ego-centrifuge - that I'm still harbouring the possibility that this is not some kind of budding Sasha Baron Cohen-style comic mind using the strut as foil to pre test a new personage?????? But maybe this is the real thing. Like the Higgs Boson, it's possible.

  • "Worked lunch at the restaurant I work at. How bout you?"

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    People like this do exist though- art schools, brunch spots, thrift stores, visiting hours at high end seniors homes and Terry Richardson parties are full of them.

  • Delay said:
    I smell dads money and a prescription for lithium.

    Has your family been supportive of your musical pursuits?

    Not till recently. I caught a lot of shame and pressure from them for a long time. Which is why I went and got an MA. I was trying to stay true to myself and please them at the same time. To me being a professor of music was a viable option cause it was something my family could understand. Thankfully that didn???t work out completely, and I never got a PhD. We hit a breaking point at the end of last year though. It was one of the most painful things I???ve ever done, but I basically told them ???either you respect me and my choices or you???ll never hear from me again.??? It still hurts to talk about. I have a very close relationship with my family. On one hand they really empowered me to feel strong and to follow my heart, but on the other hand they fought real hard to try and force me to do what they wanted. Thankfully though they listened when I told them they had to quit meddling and be supportive. We have a much better understanding now. It???s cool now. My folks called me on Monday before my show to wish me luck, and they called the next day to see how it went.

    This degree of ultra refined high grade non-self awareness is so rare and hard to achieve - it take years of persistent denial and total absolutist self regard spun around in an ego-centrifuge

    When did you begin to realize that you had something that people wanted to hear and that your rap could be something more than just a hobby?

    (Laughs) to be honest there are still some days where I doubt whether or not people care about what I do, but that???s really just the human elements of an eternal struggle. I will tell you though, that from the moment I started rapping anytime I ever rapped in front of people, I have always gotten tons of praise from folks of all walks of life. It always feels good when some crazy thuggin dude, comes up to me and is all ???man I was really feelin what you were sayin.??? But, when I realized I wasn???t going to be a professor, I took stock of my life because it was time to make a career choice. And the thing I was best-qualified for, the thing I had spent the most time doing, the thing that I was most clearly excellent at was rapping. It wasn???t until 2009 that I got real serious about it, and at that point it was a pretty objective decision based on the fact that aside from smoking weed, there is nothing that has come more naturally to me.


  • This degree of ultra refined high grade non-self awareness is so rare and hard to achieve - it take years of persistent denial and total absolutist self regard spun around in an ego-centrifuge

    It's definitely the canary in the mindf*ck that passes for culture today , time to take out the trash. Priceless.

  • Self awareness could make him good at comedy, like lonely island style raps. Hurts my brain to think about this guy, he has a lot of material on bandcamp. Guess that's worth something just the amount of effort.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    First his family rejected him, then his soulstrut family. It must hurt.
    His family wished him luck the other day. I think we should too.


  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    I founded Rad Reef and set about putting my design, journalism, branding, and marketing capacity to work for myself.

    WTF. No wonder they state "Rad Reef Proudly Presents:" before his name.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    MRW I realised this wasn't a thread-bump from five years ago.

    Possibly the most extraordinary display of asshurtedness I've ever witnessed in all my long years on this here internet.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Having finally read the whole thing, I am now crying with laughter, and hereby declare this to be


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