Lana Del Where?--New Zealand?



  • ppadilhappadilha 2,236 Posts
    I thought you guys were talking about monster metal from Finland:

  • vintageinfants said:
    also, i cant help but still think there isn't an unsung hero in all of this.... a svengali of sorts.... because there are many small and fleeting moments in the music and production itself that is certainly not 17 year old girl, but grizzled hip hop studio carpet producer who finally got sick of being nowhere.

    Funnily enough, the producer is the founder/member of a now defunct and absolutely dire punk band called Goodnight Nurse. I loathed hearing their music growing up so was very surprised when his name popped up as the producer as it's a complete 180 stylistically from I expected of him. It reeks of cynicism though, but I guess he has to get paid and he has to pay off the student loan for that Auckland Uni popular music degree.

    I have to admit, the moment I heard it, I instantly thought it was racist. As someone said more succinctly before, borrowing from rap culture and then criticising it is a bit much to swallow. Maybe its my own defects perceiving a slight when there is none though.

  • the fuck's wrong with grey goose?

  • I always took it as more of a critique of excess, not like an anti-rap thing. It be kind of silly to say the things mentioned are strictly rap related.

    I don't know, maybe I missed the weight in the critique. I actually prefer this, even if it is a rap critique, than a mockery along the lines of Kesha or something similar. If she were rapping, rap handing, etc then I could see the hate.

    She's like Bjork lite mixed with the movie Heathers.

    Also, I'm not totally buying that it's a rap beat. It's not far off from Massive Attack more than it is a snap beat. Drum machine type production is in every type of music now, even bands with human drummers.

  • dukeofdelridge said:


    lest this video get lost in the shuffle.... wow

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    james said:
    for anyone who cares, dukeofdelridge is the livest dude here right now.

    Okay then: let's shut er down. Reveal the Soulstrut Top Two and call it. Flattered, but you just cannot be happy with that statement. :beerbang:
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