2013 Cartridge for general listening/sampling

Accidentally snapped the stylus off my ortofon arkiv yesterday
Always thought it sounded terrible anyway. Distorted and harsh mids... On a properly setup technics 1210 too
Any recommendations out there for a hi-fi but durable cartridge? I don't DJ or do scratching but do a lot of needle dropping with the sampling etc
Sorry I know there are a few threads on here about this but they're old kinda old... The arkiv is discontinued now for example
Always thought it sounded terrible anyway. Distorted and harsh mids... On a properly setup technics 1210 too
Any recommendations out there for a hi-fi but durable cartridge? I don't DJ or do scratching but do a lot of needle dropping with the sampling etc
Sorry I know there are a few threads on here about this but they're old kinda old... The arkiv is discontinued now for example
That is what I have been using.
when playing out your beat up old records, what's the best way to prevent skipping?
I used to dj regularly in two places in NYC, one was a bar with a nice set up (1200s and whatnot) and only occasionally would I have a problem with a record skipping, even though it played fine at home. The other place was a caf??/restaurant that had crappy numark TTs and I would always have all sorts of problems, not just with slightly beat up records, but also the needle skipping or skating across the first or last track of a perfectly good record. A few weeks ago I had the same problem at a friend's place, where I was trying to record a set. He has almost brand new 1200s, and a few records that play fine at home skipped when I was playing them there. Tried futzing around with the weight and the anti-skating thing, but didn't help that much. I have a pair of Shure cartridges that are pretty heavy, and they even come with +2g weights for added heavyness. I would think a heavy cartridge wouldn't skip as much, but maybe I'm wrong about that. What's better, heavier or lighter cartridge? And do you put a lot of weight or a little weight at the end of the tonearm? Or is this just par for the course considering I'm not playing NM records?
Thirded. I've used them for years and have zero complaints. Nice balanced, full sound.
Collective online wisdom seems to point to the needles being a bit fragile, any truth there?
@padilha this might seem obvious but if you have a one-sided 12" use the blank side to set up the anti-skating on the TT?
If you are looking for a "real" hifi needle it??s worth investigating a bit further. Shure, ortofon and others carry a broad range. You may or may not care about the difference in sound.
It sounds excellent. Its not meant for scratching but it is meant to back spin a record when you hear something you want to sample. Its really durable Ive had it for over 2 years.
that sounds perfect for my needs! will check it out
Yes been reading about that. My turntable is next to all sorts of other gear, amps, cables etc so I might have to give it a miss...
In my experience the cartridge has been super quiet, I never knew that people were having problems with these cartridges because mine has been excellent. I would imagine these carts were designed to be used on a 1200 as they are a "DJ" cartridge. I got my 1200 hooked up to a musical surroundings phono pre into my MPC and mostly listen through reference headphones (live in an apartment) and I have never noticed any hum.
You can always call up needle doctor the are really helpful / knowledgeable and they can recommend a good cartridge for what you need.