Advice Re: eBay Job Lot

Ok so I found a seller on eBay with some Argentinian records at reasonable prices. after haggling on a price to take 7 of them, that were individually listed, the seller created a new listing for me with all 7 records at the discounted price
A few weeks later the records arrive. Definitely two of the records, maybe more (am cleaning some of the them) are completely unplayable. A conservative grading would be Good, but more realistically I would say Fair, i.e surface noise and crackle literally twice as loud as the actual recording
These records, when individually listed, were graded as EX
I have asked the seller for a partial refund for those two items. The others were in far poorer condition than stated, but they are playable copies and may improve after cleaning
They responded saying they would refund the two records in full if I return them, but the problem is that the refund will only cover the costs of posting them back (i'm in the UK)... i.e I gain absolutely nothing from doing it
They don't seem to be offering me any alternative
What do I do? It's complicated as it's a job lot, and only a part of the job lot is unsatisfactory...
A few weeks later the records arrive. Definitely two of the records, maybe more (am cleaning some of the them) are completely unplayable. A conservative grading would be Good, but more realistically I would say Fair, i.e surface noise and crackle literally twice as loud as the actual recording
These records, when individually listed, were graded as EX
I have asked the seller for a partial refund for those two items. The others were in far poorer condition than stated, but they are playable copies and may improve after cleaning
They responded saying they would refund the two records in full if I return them, but the problem is that the refund will only cover the costs of posting them back (i'm in the UK)... i.e I gain absolutely nothing from doing it
They don't seem to be offering me any alternative
What do I do? It's complicated as it's a job lot, and only a part of the job lot is unsatisfactory...
file under:
lesson learned.
I've already learned this lesson many times... this is bullshit they graded the records as Ex and they're Fair/Good?
Doesn't seem right to me