What's your favorite Pavement Album?
446 Posts
Been rediscovering a lot of stuff through Spotify. Forgot how great their catalog is.
s&e for me, followed by WZ
Saw them live a couple of years ago, at a festival where the people old enough to remember Pavement definitely was in a minority. But it was a great show.
Such a good first record.
saw them a couple of years ago on their reunion jaunt and it really blew. ti was the third or fourth time i had seen them and it was just soooo shambolic and the second drummer (who has zero musical ability) kept intruding on the performance in various ways. also they played their two worst songs ever : "conduit for sale" and "serpentine pad"... plus there was no new material whatsoever, not that that was i went to go hear but it sort of had the feel of a cash-in.i kind of wish malkamus and sprial stairs would find some better muscians to play with.