Smokers- Why And When Did You Start This Shit?

Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
edited August 2005 in Strut Central
Not trying to dis those addicted to the poisonous nicotine, because I know it's a helluva monkey to have sittin' sideways on your back and all, but when and why did you get started smokin' cigs? Were you like really young and had no idea what you were getting into? (Hard to believe in this day and age, but I guess anything's possible.) Were you like so nerdy that you felt like you'd do anything to make yourself seem "cooler"? Did you even really think that smoking makes you seem cooler? Or was it more a thing of wanting to be more grown up, to not get sonned all the time because people look at you as a little kid or something? Again, not trying to ridicule y'all puffers... I'm just curious because I've always hated cigarette smoke and could never fathom why people would want to start up with something like that. I've had friends who didn't really get started smoking until they were in their mid to late 20's, usually due to running with a partying crowd and I guess being on some monkey-see-monkey-do shit, and I'd be like "what the f**k is wrong with you, dude (or ma), you don't smoke!!"Now, I know there are plenty of bad things out there that people partake of regularly, myself included. But I understand why someone would partake of most of these things. Sugar, fast food, etc... yeah, too much of that shit is bad for you, but the shit taste good, mane. Even hard drugs- cocaine, heroin, whatever whatever. Terrible for you. But that shit will get you hiiiiiiiigh like a muhfucka (at least at first, until you get to the point that you're taking just to try to feel normal). Cigarettes? I've never understood the allure. I know we got a lot of smokers on here, so plaese to knowledge me on what made you put that first square to your lips, and after you choked on it and almost vomited, what made you force yourself to learn how to do it comfortably. I KNOW why you're still doing it... no need to explain that part.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I really liked my first cigarette.

    I only smoke once in a while.

    It's good, once in a while.

    p.s. Phill where are the squirters and the men who love them?

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    I'll buy a pack everyonce and a while, it calms my nerves when Im stressing..

    Im sure most "addicts" started back in highschool, when it was "cool"

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I really liked my first cigarette.

    I only smoke once in a while.

    It's good, once in a while.

    But what made you light up that first smoke? Did you not know of the health risks? I mean, they are printed right on the side of each pack, after all. Just the rush of living dangerously?

    p.s. Phill where are the squirters and the men who love them?

    Such issues no longer interest me. I have moved on. I am now feeling a strong need to heal the world by bringing up topics that can change lives and make this world a better place for you and me.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I started somoking in college. I was a jock in high school- makin fun of my smoker friends. Lo and behold 3 years later, my dumbass succumbed to "peer pressure and romantic cool concepts" and started smoking.
    My private slow suicide

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    p.s. Phill where are the squirters and the men who love them?

    Such issues need to be back on the DL for now[/b].

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    But what made you light up that first smoke? Did you not know of the health risks? I mean, they are printed right on the side of each pack, after all. Just the rush of living dangerously?

    I'm very self-destructive by nature so the alarm of health risks didn't really do anything. It was really just a "hmm, i think i'd like one" moment. As said, I only like them on rare occasions. So in the long run, i don't think they're more harmful then the french fries i eat.

    Such issues no longer interest me. I have moved on. I am now feeling a strong need to heal the world by bringing up topics that can change lives and make this world a better place for you and me.

    Good luck, mang. Progress.


  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    where are the squirters and the men who love them?

    my girlfriend is a squirter and I love her very much.

    shit was scary the first time tho.... I thought it was peepee or sumthin.

    that is all.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    But what made you light up that first smoke? Did you not know of the health risks? I mean, they are printed right on the side of each pack, after all. Just the rush of living dangerously?

    I'm very self-destructive by nature so the alarm of health risks didn't really do anything. It was really just a "hmm, i think i'd like one" moment. As said, I only like them on rare occasions. So in the long run, i don't think they're more harmful then the french fries i eat.

    So do you think that's what it is that makes a lot of people who you'd think would know better even consider something as potentially dangerous as smoking, just a self-destructive nature? Because it's cool that you're able to just smoke now and then, but I'm sure you are aware that smoking is HIGHLY addictive to many people and they couldn't stop smoking excessively if they wanted to (and I think many, if not most, do want to stop), right? And of course you've heard of the health hazards. If it's basically all about having a self-destructive nature then that's really pretty scary, 'cause that would mean that there's a LOT of self-destructive people out there- I guess I already know this but I just don't understand it. I seek a higher understanding on this and many other questions about life, people and the world we people live in.

  • I'm terrified to touch the shit because I'm a compulsive nail-biter and if I started puffing like I nibble I'd be a dead man!!

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    Started as a reason to join fine girls on cigarette breaks.

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    I tried to smoke when I was a teen, but felt really bad and didn??t like it the times I did. I started smoking when I was in my mid 20??s, asking my friends to let me light their cigs; and then I was buying a pack for myself.
    At the time I used to think smoking had some charm, like the ads would say and make someone stupid like me believe; and almost all my friends smoked and I used to see them as cool people, so I thought "wtf?, I can be like them".
    The worst thing is that when I started I really believed I could quit it any time I wanted. Obviously, I tried quitting many times and failed, till the last time (4 years ago) when I succeed.
    Nowadays, when I think smoking again, I remember the hell it was when I was quitting and how I felt bad and sick, so I say to myself 'no, thanks'.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    But what made you light up that first smoke? Did you not know of the health risks? I mean, they are printed right on the side of each pack, after all. Just the rush of living dangerously?

    I'm very self-destructive by nature so the alarm of health risks didn't really do anything. It was really just a "hmm, i think i'd like one" moment. As said, I only like them on rare occasions. So in the long run, i don't think they're more harmful then the french fries i eat.

    So do you think that's what it is that makes a lot of people who you'd think would know better even consider something as potentially dangerous as smoking, just a self-destructive nature? Because it's cool that you're able to just smoke now and then, but I'm sure you are aware that smoking is HIGHLY addictive to many people and they couldn't stop smoking excessively if they wanted to (and I think many, if not most, do want to stop), right? And of course you've heard of the health hazards. If it's basically all about having a self-destructive nature then that's really pretty scary, 'cause that would mean that there's a LOT of self-destructive people out there- I guess I already know this but I just don't understand it. I seek a higher understanding on this and many other questions about life, people and the world we people live in.

    Word. I only mentioned the self-destructive thing in regards to the health risks.

    I personally think people start smoking for mainly two reasons,

    1) Marketing. As in cool. Movies, ad's, etc...

    2) Social effect. As in cool friends, easy to meet people, comfort in group practice, etc...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    2) Social effect. As in cool friends, easy to meet people, comfort in group practice, etc...

    goes w/

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    originally at 10 / smoking is cool.

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    yo Phill - you're not such a Grumpy Old Fuck -- when i started, cigs were good for you, and only cost a quarter a pack. 50+ years later, they haven't killed me yet.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    usually due to running with a partying crowd and I guess being on some monkey-see-monkey-do shit, and I'd be like "what the f**k is wrong with you, dude (or ma), you don't smoke!!"

    yea i picked up smoking when i just got into college, cuz this one girl i deeply had a crush on didn't like me. i had that, and the fact that the start of college was pretty intense in terms of meeting new people and getting used to people screaming and shouting til 2am every night. i was in college, and had all these new things in my life, smoking was just another that i didn't think too much about. Having a cigg late at night out on the grass or during study breaks really did have a calming effect.

    and then people who hated smoking, started smoking around me. DUMB SHIT.

  • I started smoking because I heard it gave you a buzz. This was at age 13. It didn't do much but get be addicted. So I smoked for 10 years and finally quit one night on a speed binge. I chain smoked four packs of newports in a row. Never picked up another cigg after '95. Smoking sucks.

  • phil i'm surprised to hear you don't smoke, didn't you put cigarette packs on the cover of a couple of your mix tapes. Or were those from different records ?

    btw i do smoke.

    It started because all the people around me smoked and I just picked up the habit. ANd the thing is when you first start smoking you do get a buzz. It's kind of nice to have a drink somewhere and get a little buzz from the cigarette and alchohal. After a while though you don't get a buzz.

    I started when I was about 21, quit for 3 years and started up again about 3 years ago. I guess it's pear pressure and I don't know there is an unkwown psychological dynamic to slowly killing yourself.

    I only smoke about 6 cigarettes a day so it could be worse.


  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Ive been smoking since like age 14 or so.

    I think it was the marketing, but ill be damned if i can remember.

    People that I know who started in college did so as an excuse to talk to girls or something.

    Im also a self destructive type of guy. But I wont let someone socially bum a cigarette without telling them how fucking terrible they are. Unless i know them to be a smoker already.

    Ive recently been given welbutrin to help me try and get off them. So hopefully that will work.

    SO many people in my family have died from this bullshit that its not even funny. Alot of my family is from west virginia though. I think that has something to do with it too.

    If your from the south, towns like Winston, Salem, shit like that, you can still smoke in the fucking mcdonalds. Its just a big part of life down there. They farm it, and they smoke it. Not an excuse, but you did say you wanted to better understand peoples reasons.

    So there you go. Thats as close as I can tell you for a reason why my dumbass still sucks down cancer sticks.

  • in one word i would say DRUGS made me start smoking. first was acid, whats a cigarette or a joint compared to that?? not much said my brain.

    who wants to quit with me on monday??

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    My throat can't handle smoke so, despite the fact that I've smoked many a cigarette in my life I've never become a regular smoker. It burns my throat and makes me cough. I just can't hang with it. My friend recently made fun of me when I tried smoking because I really just hold the smoke in my mouth and blow it out.

    Sometimes when you're just sitting outside you wanna look busy and that's the best way. I think a lot of people pick up smoking for that same reason. When you just wanna go outside for a bit and get out of a crowd but you want to look like you're doing something.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Its just a big part of life down there.

    word. that summarizes why many people in Europe and Asia are avid smokers. When fuckers around you are all smoking, it's hard not to! but you gots to!

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    if any of you are looking towards how to quit smoking...there's these "healthy cigarettes" at health stores that are just herbs, (no tobacco, no nicotine), its literally like sucking in air, you don't feel any arousal from it or anything but;

    -You do light it up
    -You do hold it in your hands
    -You do get to see smoke flow out your mouth
    -You get to tap the ashes off

    i dont know, but there's something about the whole ritual of smoking that makes it even harder to quit...there's a systematic routine being played each time you have a smoke. the absolute worst association i've made is when i have a drink i need a smoke. its fucking terrible, cause i have this thing where if i have a drink, i'l save the last 1/4 of the drink in the glass and have a smoke with the remainder of to get out of that pattern. one thing that has helped IMMENSELY is the smoking ban here in Toronto. thank god for that.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    "healthy cigarettes"
    smoking ban here in Toronto

    that's dope.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    the absolute worst association i've made is when i have a drink i need a smoke.

    yes. i absolutely cannot drink without a smoke these days. whack. and i've developed a coffee-cigarette association as well. so even on days i don't drink i end up smoking at least one or two cigs because i can't go a day without coffee.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I started when I was 11 or 12...quit when I was 25, I'm 34 now and I feel a lot better than I did at 25

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    ive never smokd before

  • akoako 3,413 Posts
    smoked first cigarette at 14-15...never really got into it. probably smoked 12 of em over the past 3-4 years. sometimes i just bum a cigarette for no real reason. i think seeing them makes me wanna smoke.

  • i think everyone without exception started on some "monkey see monkey do", which is basically along the same lines of "to be cool". you're 14 and see an older person do it and think it looks cool, and wallah. i smoked for about 2 years, but stopped after it started giving me trouble breathing. wasn't meant to be.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    Sometimes when you're just sitting outside you wanna look busy and that's the best way. I think a lot of people pick up smoking for that same reason. When you just wanna go outside for a bit and get out of a crowd but you want to look like you're doing something.
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