Some eurofunk 45 action for you
You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
In the spirit of CrabMF's recent contribution, here's some euromang 45 cuts before I throw them upon the bay
G. Raudi - "Stercok"
Muscles - "Scuttlin"
"Le Domino Bar"
Ennio Morricone - "Deep Down"
Vito Tommasso - "Il Giorno Del Karate"
Michel LeGrand - "Paris Underground"
Lucifer & Co-"Eden"
Edda De'l Orso - "Kukumbe"
Gum Biscuit - "Crazy Spider"
Osanna - "Deliriana"
F U King - "F U King 2"
Rosko - "Peacemaker"
G. Raudi - "Stercok"
Muscles - "Scuttlin"
"Le Domino Bar"
Ennio Morricone - "Deep Down"
Vito Tommasso - "Il Giorno Del Karate"
Michel LeGrand - "Paris Underground"
Lucifer & Co-"Eden"
Edda De'l Orso - "Kukumbe"
Gum Biscuit - "Crazy Spider"
Osanna - "Deliriana"
F U King - "F U King 2"
Rosko - "Peacemaker"
:face_melt: :beerbang:
Is this on an LP?
Is it this?
Nope, close though:
45 only afaik. Old favourite of mine.
It's Deliriana by Delirium. The a-side is Canto Di Ossana...I've also made the mistake before of thinking the groups name is Osanna. Easy mistake to make if you have the French picture sleeve (different to the discogs one).
delerium - deleriana - close kinetico
Couple of other notes:
Edda has an extra L in her name, but who's counting?
The Georges Raudii is largely uncredited b-side of a Jacques DuTronc 45 known as "L'Arsene".
And for the avoidance of doubt, this wasn't a post looking for sales, although if that happens of course raj will get a cut. ::wink::
No, merely taking the opportunity while they're on soundcloud to spread some music, as would not have got round to it otherwise.
A league behind but in a line: Stercok, Kukumbe and Scuttlin - 4 white dudes with shaggy bubble perms.
No love for Eden? Such a balleur 45.
FU King - I know you dudes want to cut this beast into breaks and loops, just too afraid to google it
Damn, that FU King 45 is killer. I want.