
mumbosaucemumbosauce 480 Posts
edited April 2013 in Strut Central
these kids are so dope

fuck can't embed this shit for some reason


  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Now, I don't want to shit in anyone's cornflakes here, but those kids can't be any older than 13 or 14, right? And they're getting all nostalgic and singing about "the old days"? I don't get it.

    Please understand, I'm not trying to hate. This is perfectly OK without being in any way remarkable beyond the fact that it's a bunch of youngsters doing it, and there's nothing wrong with that. But there seems to be rather a lot of this "young people making Old People's Music" kinda thing around right now. In the UK there's Jake Bugg on some Lonnie Donegan/Another Side Of Bob Dylan shit, and then there's all the throwback rappers like Pro Era. I can't help feeling that, somewhere in the shadows, there's a lot of older dudes trying to live vicariously through it all.
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