"propaganda " film from the DPRK
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I am in no way a DPRK apologist,and obviously the country is fucked one million ways from last sunday.That said if you read just a tiny amount of history it's immediately apparent that NK has historically been shit on and trounced by it's neighbors.
"Propaganda is a bizarre film that presents itself as a North Korean documentary outlining the excesses of the West to the North Korean public???it touches upon everything from religion to reality television. Stranger still is the film???s backstory: Back in May, Youtube user Sabine began posting excerpts of the film along with her explanation of how she came across it. She claims North Koreans posing as defectors gave her the video and asked her to translate and post it (she says she is a professional translator). She goes on to say that she believes the North Koreans were actually working for their government and gave her the film so that it could be broadcast in the West. It is impossible to verify any of this, but nonetheless the film is quite an intriguing artifact. For more, see the film???s Facebook page and Sabine???s full statement"
"Propaganda is a bizarre film that presents itself as a North Korean documentary outlining the excesses of the West to the North Korean public???it touches upon everything from religion to reality television. Stranger still is the film???s backstory: Back in May, Youtube user Sabine began posting excerpts of the film along with her explanation of how she came across it. She claims North Koreans posing as defectors gave her the video and asked her to translate and post it (she says she is a professional translator). She goes on to say that she believes the North Koreans were actually working for their government and gave her the film so that it could be broadcast in the West. It is impossible to verify any of this, but nonetheless the film is quite an intriguing artifact. For more, see the film???s Facebook page and Sabine???s full statement"