What is your best survival asset in the case of Doomsday?
446 Posts
Despite my cunning intellect I got one of these:
I can go weeks without talking to anyone
despite my size, I do OK with heavy lifting and manual labour
I don't eat meat
I live by a river (assuming we're not talking a radiated doosmday)
As a side-note, I have a friend who is beyond amazing to me. She is the only person I know who if dropped in the middle of the woods, has all the basic skills to survive, including building, cooking, sewing and extensive knowledge of plants and their uses, etc..
Pete: Okay good. We've got a wide skill set for any post-apocalyptic scenario. I'm good at archery and kinda want to die.
Frank: I can use my glasses to start a fire. Toofer can get us through black-, gay-, and nerd-controlled neighbourhoods. Cerie will be some sort of queen in the new society.
Sue: I will do sex with cannibals if needed.
Kenneth: I can talk to animals. Well, not TALK to them, but take commands from them.
Is that healthy? I heard that not talking for weeks makes your tongue shrink. Also, would that be considered anti-social?
Probably not.
Probably so.
I can if need be, I don't presently. I can only get away with a few days before I have to go back to work and/or say Thank You to the cashier at the grocery store.
Can you stick out your tongue and touch your nose?
Oh come on, don't be ridiculous.
I just watched that episode last night.
That, apparently, is my survival asset.
ive got one of these batteryless shake flashlights....so i think me and my family will be just fine, thank you.
I think the question is will there be enough of you for them.
If I had to pick something, I'd say...I'm not fat...I've prided myself on my ability to outrun anything that has scared me in my life (bullies, cops, sketchy late night situations)...the flight sense is strong with me. I've also, always been really good at hide n' seek.
I've camped my whole life. Not survivalist camping, but legitimate camping that involves hiking 5-10 miles a day...could definitely do more, if need be.
I've always been a pretty paranoid dude...I can't recall a situation where I blindly walked into danger...I trust no one...I've been like that ever since I was a kid who hung out/skated with older kids...fuck older kids...they scared the shit out of me.
Here is why I'm fucked:
I have a wife that I love and could never abandon in any life or death situation
I have two full sized dogs that I also don't think I could abandon in a life or death situation
I have no weapons to speak of
I haven't been in legitimate combat since highschool
I have no survival skill knowledge
I live in Charleston SC which is a series of islands with limited ways onto and off of the islands
I have no boat and live within a series of Islands
My house is surrounded by other houses many of said houses are inhabited by gun toting red necks who would relish any rapture/end of world situation
I'd been way too consumed with making sure my family (Mom, Dad, sisters brothers, nieces, nephews, etc.) was okay and I believe that would get me killed
High sperm count.
Wife that will scare aliens away.
I will sleep like a baby.
In the backpack:
-Walkman with tapes of Ready to Die, Operation Doomsday, yo! Bumrush the show
- leatherman
- thumbed copy of The Road
- wodka
- medicine
- tobacco to trade
- baby wipes
- dog food
The rest i will pick up later for free when doomsday has come.
A few weeks ago, about the time of Sandy, I decided I should put together an emergency survival kit.
First I went and got my shake flashlight. Dead. Totally dead.
The list of things I need for my survival kit is going to set me back some money, so I will only buy a few things at a time.
So far I have bought... Nothing.
Some things, say gauze, are things I think I have in the house, but when I need them I can't find them, or they are so old no one would want to use them.
So my emergency survival kit skills are pathetic.
Where do I store this kit any way. Most likely scenario for me is major earthquake.
"Don't worry I have a survival kit in the basement."
"Great now all we need to do is move our house out of the basement and we will have a survival kit."
I'm fucked.
We're good.