


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Finally watched this over the weekend and had a mixed reaction.


    Really liked the set up and the overall plot outline.
    Thought Craig had finally nailed how to play Bond, proved the three film rule and found him a lot more enjoyable in this one.
    Took "inspiration" from the new Batman films in an intelligent manner to give it more of an epic scale - worked better than the aping of Bourne.
    Bardem amused me a lot - the first proper Bond villain in a while.


    That last 30 minutes is a total pisser - if you're going to lay on the sentimentality at least do it with some degree of skill.
    Despite enjoying the meat of it a lot it's left pretty much no impression on me after turning it off.

    Overall, a decent film IMO. Helped that friends had prepared me for the clumsy shifty of tone in the final part and the ending felt like they'd basically set it up nicely for the next couple of films.

    Now please bring back SPECTRE.

  • JimsterJimster 6,907 Posts
    Junior said:
    That last 30 minutes is a total pisser

    He could have told Q and dem where they were going while he was asking them to drop the breadcrumbs, and then faced down Tori with the backing of the SAS and dem, rather than 2 shakeys.

    Nice to see the Aston getting a shakedown though. I am sure the damage will T-Cut out.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    Junior said:
    That last 30 minutes is a total pisser

    He could have told Q and dem where they were going while he was asking them to drop the breadcrumbs, and then faced down Tori with the backing of the SAS and dem, rather than 2 shakeys.

    Nice to see the Aston getting a shakedown though. I am sure the damage will T-Cut out.

    Yeah I didn't mind the Aston popping up and blowing up (and enjoyed the fact that Bond looked more pissed off about that than the woman dying) but the lengthy escapades and Home Alone house rigging sucked all the momentum out of the film. Also, fuck a Finney.
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