I dig physics/space/astronomy shit a lot. I have a little collection of documentaries on the subject. I also dig rap a lot. I own a lot of rap records and cds. But I do not think I will dig this very much.
You never know though, with the GZA. It could make for some really stellar singles...
magnetsplanetshow do they work?
Cynthia, I understand that powerful motor controls are mad stable.
No room for error, injury proves fatal.
Doctor, we're ready.
Hundred ton air-jack, quickly! Raise the steel!
Judging by the expression on GZA's face, I'd say no.
I dig physics/space/astronomy shit a lot. I have a little collection of documentaries on the subject. I also dig rap a lot. I own a lot of rap records and cds. But I do not think I will dig this very much.
You never know though, with the GZA. It could make for some really stellar singles...
Liquid light sabres and samples from "Silent Running", too
I want to be wrong.
This pic is the shit tho:
I'm of the opinion that Tyson is the coolest dude on the planet.
another album?! when is this tired old dude gonna hang it up? it's pathetic.
No doubt! Carrying the torch of Sagan like a champ. Btw, he's narrating a remake of The Cosmos series as we speak....cannot fucking wait.
This is the best news I've heard so far this week. Really looking forward to that.
Watching these videos keep me in awe. Tyson is the only guy (IMO) that could ever do Sagan's Cosmos any justice.
Hell yeah. I absolutely love that shit. You probably already know the details behind the Cosmos 2013 remake but just in case: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/05/arts/television/fox-plans-new-cosmos-with-seth-macfarlane-as-a-producer.html?_r=1
Also...if you haven't seen the Sagan series on youtube, you need to watch them...
Watch in HD!