Anyone know who this group is? (random pics for sale on ebay - related)
1,575 Posts
Came across people selling old, unnamed photos on ebay:
....and its pretty much taken upmy entire morning.
I had no idea people sold this kind of thing, but it really appeals to my inner History Detective/ Timmy Digsalot.
You never see old pic in Thirfts, as most of them have a policy to destroy any pics in photos albums that are donated.
Lots of cool pics to be found.
Good Detecting ;)
It looks like a Baobab Tree they are sitting under, so that means the photo was taken most likely in Africa.
It was just a lark, but the dude dead center w/glasses in each photo looks similar. Also, it would almost certainly be an established, successful group because of the brand name guitars.
That tree could easily live in the southern or western US states. The building looks american. The guitars are american.
One thing for sure is that it is not from the 60s. Earliest is '71 due to the Musicmaster bass.
that dude has a widows peak, and non of the dudes in the top photo has one.
My bet it's indeed Orchestra Baobab, except there are 6 people not on pic one.
If you are able to see them live: do! They still perform and i can highly recommend them.