Organic Food Headz

buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
edited March 2012 in Strut Central
Whats some corporate frankenfood food you will annihilate if you cave at the grocery store?

Try these little shits after a few hours in the refrigerator:

:game over:


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    HIJACK.......dont feel like creating a new thread...

    I finally copped some Callaloo from my local green market. My supermarket is quite diverse but they never stock this shit.

    Any suggestions???

    Just cook it down and thats it? Scallions, Garlic, Scotch bonnet pepper.......

    Or the Trini way w/ okra and coconut milk?

    I also copped some "Red Russian" Kale. Easy to cook.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    This is one of my favourite recipe sites.

    Callaloo Recipes


    I don't buy all organic all the time, just certain things (garlic is the big one) - generally speaking, I am not a big junk food person. Every now and then, I'll get a bottle of this and basically finish it and a bag of chips in a week.

    I have an ice cold Coke once every few months, that's a pretty exciting event in my life.

    Probably not the kind of answers you were looking for lol

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I haven't in a long while, but put a package of Nutter Butter in front of me and watch it disappear with the quickness.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts

  • TheGoochTheGooch 541 Posts

    Here???s How U.S. Food Items Are Labeled Overseas

    by JacobSloan on June 25, 2013 in News
    Supermarket shoppers in other countries are informed that American processed foods contain GMOs and artificial coloring dyes linked to childhood hyperactivity. Why aren???t we told this? Food Babe writes:

    The NY Times verified that this is in fact a real label on US Kraft Mac & Cheese sold in the UK.

    We know that Kraft does not label, distribute or export the US version of Mac & Cheese officially. (To echo my quote in The NY Times, I find it extremely bizarre that Kraft had no knowledge of their products being sold and widely available in one of the largest retailers in the world (Tesco) and are trying to pass this off as a black market supply.)

    Kraft customer service confirmed use of GMOs in their products. Given all the public statements that Kraft has made to the media about this label, they have not attempted to refute their product ???May Cause Adverse Effects On Activity And Attention In Children.???

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,890 Posts
    button said:
    Whats some corporate frankenfood food you will annihilate if you cave at the grocery store?

    Try these little shits after a few hours in the refrigerator:

    :game over:

    Have you tried Birthday Cake flavored Oreo cookies?

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    Ive been working in the Natural Food Business for about 20 years.
    I am a vegan 99% of the time.
    But when i fall off the wagon, i fall hard!
    My weaknesses are:

    Anything Little Debbie related

    and these little son-of-a-bitches

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    mrmatthew said:

    Anything Little Debbie related

    Nutty Bars and Oatmeal Creme Pies all day!

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,236 Posts
    I used to keep things in the office that I could gnaw on while I worked, especially pistachios or olives (back when I worked close to Fairway on the UWS) since those will distract you long enough without having to take a total break. But when I couldn't find pistachios I'd go with one of these options:

    and these are like crack:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    My dad's addicted to Haribo Sours. I hadn't eaten sweets for about a decade before spending some time with him. That shit is way too addictive for me. Had to break the habit by moving over to soft/dried bananas and mangos. Still full of sugar but much better.

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    For Kraft Macaroni Cheese; E102 & E110 are red-flagged food additive codes, giving them to children on a regular basis is madness.

    Thank God there is another 7 years of recession ahead of us, more people will get sick of consumer culture and make an actual change.

    I gotta go clean my carpet with Mountain Dew now.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    I don't necessarily buy organic but fresh, healthy food as regional as possible. Have been reducing my meat consumption drastically and about 90 % of the stuff I eat is cooked freshly at home. Once in a year I feel the need to eat one of these:

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    disco_che said:
    cooked freshly at home.

    I know I am preaching to the converted here, but it is so much cheaper to make food with fresh ingredients than buy processed. This woman at work who basically only eats yellow, beige and brown foods* (and the fluorescent pink stuff they put on chicken balls at Chinese food spots) was amazed that I make my own pasta sauces....and that they're not all red. It takes 15 minutes and $3!!!

    Seeing other people's groceries is as fascinating (and sometimes as depressing) as seeing their living spaces.

    *not on purpose or anything, that's just her range

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I try not to, but I'll still give into some high fructose corn syrup every now and then (read: still far too often). But aspartame, hell no...keep that poison off the market, let alone my plate.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    bassie said:
    amazed that I make my own pasta sauces....and that they're not all red

    Have you tried making pasta sauce with pumpkin or red pepper as the vegetable base? They're both amazing. Just grab them when they're cheap and in season, roast, and puree. Then a little herb and spice action and you're in business (sage kills it with the pumpkin, and I usually go strong on the thyme with the red peppers).

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Pumpkin and sage sounds amazing...especially with loads of butter and garlic over tagliatelle!

    I am not a bell pepper fan : /

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    bassie said:
    It takes 15 minutes and $3!!!

    Yep, a lot of italian food is fast food in the best sense of the word. Very few fresh ingredients, short preparation time. That's why McDonalds has never been successfull in Italy (unlike France, where traditional cooking is really complicated and time consuming).

  • GatorToofGatorToof 582 Posts
    my weakness is grapes and homekist oatmeal cookies.

    the + about the homekist cookies is their thinness. :puto:

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    this thread really speaks to my definitely feeling where people are coming from and also that yall got weaknesses.
    i try to get my animal products small farm organic and local on the milk and eggs. rarely buy meats. big on fresh veggies,fruits, etc etc. Cooking meals daily brings me all kinds of joy

    but good lord do i have a sweet tooth.
    so many irresistible varieties of potato chips and sugar cereals.
    and cocacola is real nice with some rum
    who cares? live life and stop being rigid as long as youre health consciousness and not frequently eating like shit

    i ate intestine sandwich and street mussels in turkey last week, btw

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    I haven't in a long while, but put a package of Nutter Butter in front of me and watch it disappear with the quickness.

    They haunt my dreams.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,236 Posts
    tripledouble said:
    i ate intestine sandwich and street mussels in turkey last week, btw

    I just had a tripe stew called mocot?? at the in-laws the other day, it's like mondongo with white beans or something (never had mondongo so can't say exactly what the difference is). I put lots of tabasco on mine. Can't really go wrong with hotsauce.

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    tripledouble said:
    i ate intestine sandwich and street mussels in turkey last week, btw

    I just had a tripe stew called mocot?? at the in-laws the other day, it's like mondongo with white beans or something (never had mondongo so can't say exactly what the difference is). I put lots of tabasco on mine. Can't really go wrong with hotsauce.

    ^^^ That sounds killer.

    My weakness is Pork. I'll make a big batch of Carnitas or Pernil like once every two weeks. I can't imagine living without it.

  • piedpiperpiedpiper 1,279 Posts
    Occasional weaknesses include chips and sour gums.

    Any other strutter a member of Slowfood (or other related organizations)?

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    I usually have a cheat day once a week and that almost always involves some breakfast items with lots of maple syrup.

    The last few cheat days have consisted of a lot of fruit salad with chile powder and lime juice.

    I also *really* love those doritos tacos locos. No joke.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    This just in.
    These exist now.

    And on a realted note, i just heard that Voodoo Donughts is opening its first out-of-Oregon store about 10 blocks from my house!

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    piedpiper said:
    Occasional weaknesses include chips and sour gums.

    Any other strutter a member of Slowfood (or other related organizations)?

    Paging Mr. Waxjunky.

  • VeeEightVeeEight 325 Posts

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    piedpiper said:
    Occasional weaknesses include chips and sour gums.

    Any other strutter a member of Slowfood (or other related organizations)?

    I sit on the board of Slow Food Napa Valley...
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