ebay question...item not recieved

reskresk 391 Posts
edited August 2005 in Strut Central
after 6 years of buying/selling on ebay, i finally got done quite wrong. This guy from switzerland i believe didnt send me my record (its been more then 30 days but under 45) and doesnt respond to multiple emails. Anyways, i reported it to paypal to get my loot back (pending), but should i still report to ebay? obviously ive never had to deal with this before so asking for others strutters advice.


  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    is his name lars?

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    If you've given reasonable time for him to respond to your emails them, yes, report him to Ebay. It's one thing if it's late and he's responsive to your emails. Quite another if he's ignoring you.

  • dsandersdsanders 495 Posts
    I traded with Lars in Switzerland, no problems, BTW, so 'Ich don't think so'.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Love the Ali G reference!

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    I traded with Lars in Switzerland, no problems, BTW, so 'Ich don't think so'.

    word. soulfriere vouched for him too but he's yet to respond to my pm's and he's had the record we sent for over 1 1/2 weeks. ravi's been eating away at my patience, not much left for other dudes right now.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    was the cost of the record under 25.00? if so, reporting it to ebay will do nothing, as their fraud protection thing only covers purchases over 25.00 dollars...

  • reskresk 391 Posts
    this guy has been emailed starting almost 3 weeks ago now. no responds to any of the 4 emails i sent him.

    the record was 20 dollars plus 10 on shipping, thats why i was questioning to bother reporting to ebay or not. Paypal should return my loot on the other hand right? Its already been reported to paypal.

    this is his user info

    User ID: stubi007
    Name: R*** Stuber
    City: Z??rich
    State: Switzerland
    Country: Switzerland

    figured id cover his first name for now.

    If any swiss strutters wanna harass dude via phone, i'll be more then happy to pm his phone number.

    i dont know if this is a big 'whats up' or if its an 'ich dont think so'

  • you may want to harass your local post office first. i find the post offices being remarkably crappy lately.....if the seller's profile is legit, definitely check the po.

    my local branch just located a package from the 90's last week.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    As an ebay seller, I've also been experiencing slack service in the European region... maybe it has something to do with the UK bombings??


  • you may want to harass your local post office first. i find the post offices being remarkably crappy lately.....if the seller's profile is legit, definitely check the po.

    my local branch just located a package from the 90's last week.

    from the 1990s?!?! damn what was it?

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    I would suggest waiting untill the end of the 45 day limit. This has happened to me a number of times when I sent numerous emails without any response. I would wait untill day 40 and then do the paypal thing (dont worry about ebay). I also would not worry about leaving negative feedback untill you hear back from PayPal.

  • LamontLamont 1,089 Posts
    has he received feedback in the last 30 days ?

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    this guy has been emailed starting almost 3 weeks ago now. no responds to any of the 4 emails i sent him.

    the record was 20 dollars plus 10 on shipping, thats why i was questioning to bother reporting to ebay or not. Paypal should return my loot on the other hand right? Its already been reported to paypal.

    this is his user info

    User ID: stubi007
    Name: R*** Stuber
    City: Z??rich
    State: Switzerland
    Country: Switzerland

    figured id cover his first name for now.

    If any swiss strutters wanna harass dude via phone, i'll be more then happy to pm his phone number.

    i dont know if this is a big 'whats up' or if its an 'ich dont think so'

    yeah, if it's 20 bucks, Ebay will just go "thank you for reporting that. have a nice life" and do nothing for you (as they did for me last month...)

    if you've reported it to paypal, that's all you can do...


  • As an ebay seller, I've also been experiencing slack service in the European region... maybe it has something to do with the UK bombings??


    i've had some slow service to and from europe as well. won/paid for a record from europe abouta month ago still no sign of it. the dude is responsive to emails. a lot of the times it just turns out dude spaced on sending it.


  • reskresk 391 Posts
    the guy has no feedback as a seller since i bought the record.

    Its been 37 days i believe since i paid for the record (i reported to paypal yesturday), probably maybe about 21 days since ive first emailed him, and no record and no responce.

    I had it actually sent to my parents crib cause i was in the process of moving and wasnt sure if it would make it by the end of the month. If there was a problem with me sending it there (which i have stuff sent to my parents crib all the time cause i move so often) he should have let me know. Anyways, dude just doesnt respond to emails.

    I wont leave feedback til paypal resolves the situation since there doesnt look like theres too much i can do other then email him once a week.

  • reskresk 391 Posts
    ok where on 42 days and this guy finally responds an email saying.........

    "Hi, I was away for hollidays and business. Will send out your record asap.

    Regards, R*** Stuber"

    What the fuck, you should have thought of this prior to setting up the ebay auction, you determine the day the auction is going to end. I paid THE SAME DAY THE AUCTION ENDED. Who the hell takes 42 day buisness trips and what holidays are their during mid july and the month of august?

    Who doesnt have email access during get aways now a days?


    I dont know if i should cancel the investagation cause theres a couple days left til it turns 45 days and then i cant put a claim against him.
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