Apogee Duet hum question

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
edited October 2011 in Strut Central
I have an problem with my Apogee Duet, specifically Line 2 (set to XLR, no phantom)

When I plug a dynamic mic into it and crank it to it's "normal" level (60+), I start getting this nasty hum:

It does NOT exist on Line 1.

I've tried testing this with different XLR cables and the problem replicates. It sounds a lot like something's ungrounded but since the problem in only on Line 2, I assuming maybe that cable has gone bad?

This kind of stuff is totally out of my wheelhouse so if you have any troubleshooting suggestions, they'd be most welcome!


  • Hey o,
    Apogee are located in Santa Monica and I have had great experiences with thier customer support. I would give em a shout tomorrow.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Thanks Thes.

    BTW - I fixed the problem with the mic; as it turns out, it was simply that the XLR base screw had become loose. Once I tightened that back up, it also re-ground the unit as a whole. Of course, once I solved that problem is when I discovered the problem with the Duet.
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