hearing loss

jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
edited October 2011 in Strut Central
has anyone experienced this on a major level? i have dj'd in loud places for over ten years and in the last year have noticed my tinnitus going through the roof. it's at the point where i need to listen to music when i go to sleep just to drown out the hissing. i am thinking i will visit my doctor in the next few days. can anyone share anything? it's starting to scare the shit out of me hah


  • I don't have much to contribute here as my only experience with tinnitus isn't from hearing loss but rather other temporary conditions. I just wanted to get in and suggest buying some custom earplugs before it gets any worse!
    I've always understood that there is no cure for tinnitus, as such. Scary, huh? But have heard of therapies involving 'retraining the brain', which some people seem to simplify as learning to ignore the sound.
    I'd go to the doc and get as much info as possible. They'll obviously look in your ears; while they're in there maybe ask if its worth giving them a proper clean as you're consider getting moulds done for the plugs (if not for some other reason).

    Good luck

  • MurdockMurdock 542 Posts
    Sorry about the condition. My hearing problem is one of just general hearing loss. My left ear, the one I cue records up with, is super bad. I feel like a grandma in situations where there is a lot of background noise.
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