Fuck these bed bugs (HALP!-R)

minneapminneap 541 Posts
edited July 2011 in Strut Central
It's come to my attention that I have bed bugs in my apartment. I'm assuming my roommate brought em in as dude works on a home remodeling show and is in and out of multiple old homes a day.

Blame game aside, how the fusk do I get rid of these things? I've heard steam cleaners work, special mattress covers, washing and drying clothes and bedding on high heat, vacuuming the shit out of everything, diatomaceous earth powder(?) and different sprays.

I live in a big building in Chicago and am thinking I should contact the landlord. Everything I've read says to get it in writing to cover my ass and to have something on record in case nothing is done about it.

Anyone dealt with these little fuckers before? How did you get rid of them? Please to help.

Itchy in Humboldt


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    I dealt with them once years ago. My roommate at the time was given a couch. Which was never told it was being stored in a garage.

    One of the worst experiences of my life.

    How did I deal with them? I moved out. Threw out a bunch of my stuff. Washed everything I kept in hot water a few times.

    At first the landlord had exterminators in a couple of times. that shit didn't work at all.

    I'm pretty crazy about this now. Whenever I move into somewhere (Or stay in hotels) I look for signs of bedbug activity. If there is any (Once I came across some), I break the fuck out...

    Someone I know had them as well and got this done which he said seemed to work. a year has gone by and nothing so far.


  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    I have a family friend who kills these for a living. He says that chemicals do not work. The only thing is excessive heat. He shows up to a house and both him and his crew install special portable heaters all over the place. They basically cook the house from the inside for a few hours. I am not sure of the exact temperature. Maybe that can be found online with some searching. Good luck.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    My friend in the Navy said they are :hard_as_fuck: to get rid of. They had an infestation in San Diego barracks that took a while to remedy according to him.

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    Real hard to get rid of. Not the least of which the adults can survive for about a year without feeding or something ridiculous like that. But they can't take hot temperatures and their threshold isn't that high - 120 to 130 F i think. so i'd wash everything washable in hot water even if it means using the shower for larger objects. Get rid of anything you aren't interested in saving. But I think generally they're going to be living pretty close to where you're sleeping...bed frame, mattress, carpet, nearby sofa, etc, so don't go crazy pulling shit out of closets before thoroughly addressing these areas. and don't assume a space is too small for them to get into. beyond that, seek professional help.
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