Breakaway Records 12x12 7x7 - ART CALL

we're putting out a national call for art submissions for a show we're doing here at Breakaway Records in early September.
the show is called 12x12 7x7 and will be all art that is rekkid sized and either 12x12 (max depth = 2") or 7x7 (max depth = 2").
due date for applications are Aug. 20th. here's the call info and application, in case anyone is interested in submitting...
Call Details
Artist Application
the show is called 12x12 7x7 and will be all art that is rekkid sized and either 12x12 (max depth = 2") or 7x7 (max depth = 2").
due date for applications are Aug. 20th. here's the call info and application, in case anyone is interested in submitting...
Call Details
Artist Application