portable turntable mod (electronics help)

jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
edited June 2011 in Strut Central
hey everyone, i had a friend modify one of my portables a few years back. the mod was to add a headphone jack. it worked great for a long time but recently after having the portable in storage for acouple of years, it seems that there is a hum in the signal. the portable also has an AM radio and it seems that the hum is in the radio signal too. any ideas on what may have gone wrong or what to look out for?


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    Maybe the AC capacitor is worn out. I hear if you place a ferrous mass around the cables, such as the headphones cable, it will act as a ground; similarly to those little round masses on some sets of CPU speakers.

    Maybe the plug that your plugged into isn't grounded.

    Do the troubleshooting.
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