NBA Playoffs - Out with the old...

willyumm930willyumm930 12 Posts
edited May 2011 in Strut Central
I am sorry I've been away for some time now. The pressures of life...well, you know what I mean. I'm glad to be back!

First it was the Spurs, then the Lakers (my team), and now the Celtics; the young lions are out playing our older heroes. I hate to admit it, but it is easy to see. I saw the Celtics on a fast-break situation and it looked like they were walking. Lebron had time to run back and challenge the layup. The Lakers didn't seem to have any speed either. Their defense seemed a step too slow. The Spurs looked even worse. While I respect the Spurs and their great coach, it is time for them to get younger; and the same goes for the Celtics and the Lakers. Kobe, Paul Pierce, Garnett, Tim Duncan, and the other stars on the above teams are no longer offensive threats. While they may have their moments, they aren't the clutch players they use to be.

Just like some of today's music, I have a hard time adapting to these new players and the new NBA. Do these young guys play to win or is it the money that motivates them? They are more athletic and the game seems easy for them, but they don't seem to "love it" like the players of yesteryear. I guess that's why I like my scotch aged; the new stuff "ain't that good".

The NBA Playoffs will not be the same without these teams. I'm going to spin an "old" record and sip some "old" scotch. Join me... :-)



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