...all in all, how do YOU feel about G.A.Z.A.?

i know its a "tired discussion" but i'm wondering how heads feel about the israeli rythm method right about now...and hamas taking responsibility..will it solve anything?seems to be the hot topic around the office...this thread would like to hear from you
Hamas leader: Gaza withdrawal - ???beginning of the end for Israel???
The implementation of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip marks ???the beginning of the end for Israel,??? said Hamas political bureau chief, Khaled Mashaal.
Speaking to al-Hayat newspaper, Mashaal was quoted as saying on Tuesday that the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as ???the beginning of the end for the Zionist program in the region.???
The Hamas leader reiterated the movement???s commitment to the calm with Israel until the end of the current year, but added the ???resistance is a strategic choice, because the withdrawal from Gaza is the first step in the way to complete liberation.???
The Damascus-based official stressed that ???Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wants the Gaza exit to be the first and last, and the payment for the continued control in the West Bank, settlement construction, wall construction, and the annulment of any possibility of establishing a Palestinian state within the framework of the Zionist project to end the Palestinian issue with the unlimited US support,??? adding "We, however, see the withdrawal as first step for full liberation and achieving all of our legitimate rights. Today Gaza and tomorrow the West Bank and later every inch of the land."
He stressed that the withdrawal from Gaza is the "beginning of the end for the Zionist project in the region and an important and historic turning point in the Arab - Israeli conflict."
so in other words no, changes nothing, and probably will encourage more conflict
but i predict that israel will soon be busy bombing the hell out of iran's nuclear plants
Buying them out.
It is a good and nessacary step toward peace.
It is sad that while we watch pictures of settlers crying for their loss of home, we never see Palestinians crying for the loss of their homes.
But I'll say this, Palestinians got better better food than us Jews
I heard on Democracy Now this morning from an Israeli reporter saying that the government is giving a pretty hefty and suficient amount of reparations to the evicted residents. Though, the issue that they said that isn't being talked about now is that palestenians who worked there in Gaza are not getting any reparations at all during this process. So although, this is a good step it's still unbalanced.
babylon bun, dem fi run.
I heard the people who left got bought out, the ones that resist are s.o.l.
I commend the Isreali govment for this. Lets hope it's real, however, if they just abandon the palestinians in squalo, keep with the racism and aparthied wall, then I don't see terrorism ending. It's so not hard to see.
The real Middle Eastern Jews eat like the rest of the Middle East, olives, hummus, pita, lamb, halavah...
Maybe we can get Vitamin to give us a report on Jewish Egytian cooking when he gets there.
what are jews responsible for taking care of the palestinians now? no welfare no peace? and i am not even going to get into the "aparthied wall"
some of you dudes are fucking nuts
good night
I'm speaking specifically about terror on Isrealis, but yes, I believe it goes both ways. The ones with the power and money have the most opprotunity to do what's right.
That was cohearant.
and the equally open opportunity to do wrong, i.e. Bush and his whole bandwagon of lies and deception.
just evening out the table here, or more-so playing devils advocate. no disrespect.
That is my point.
As usual. Well, last I heard, Israel was asking for a HUGE grant from the USA to help pay for this. As if the $3 million a day we've been sending them since 1948 wasn't enough.
BTW--That was a great idea...occupying the Gaza strip like that. Real fucking genius! I'm surprised it didn't work out. roll eyes
Then, after they pull out of the West Bank, Isreal can truthfully say they are the only democracy in the Middle East. That is, until Iraq becomes a democracy--which is "coming soon."
you right abot that, however if I'm eating at uncle Morris & Aunt Elaines house it's strictly boiled chicken.
My boy Murad and his wife crank out some of the most mouth-watering goodness you'll ever eat.
Shit'll make you damn near denounce your religion
For the record, I prefer shish taouk to boiled chicken.
The issue for me is not who has a right to what land. As far as your ancestral land, why don't you move there and engage with the community. If over time, it's God's will for the Jews to occupy that land, then it will happen...over time. I don't know what you mean by as evidenced here? But this gentile fully supports Israel, (and any other peaceful nation) but would prefer they pay their own way.
That South African comparison is about as weak is Vitamin's "the insurgents are like the KKK in the Jim Crow American South" bullshit.
you don't even know
Violent vigilantes who used to be in power targeting ethnic groups who are trying to vote. The comparison is quite apt. And as much as it pains me to say this, the legal distinctions between palestinians in the territories and Israelis is akin to the apartheid laws. However, the Botha government and its predecessors never began negotiations with Mandela; and as tough as the Israeli counterinsurgency has been it cannot be compared with the wanton violence of the Afrikaaners.
American tax payers should not be paying for this. There is no medicare in the US. They need that money. I've thought about moving to Israel recently. Its something that has become more important to me. Don't see it has a fufillment of god's will, though. I'm not so religious! I thought the south africa comaprison was valid because the dutch/english lived there for nearly 400 years & they were asked to relinquish the reins.
I don't think being Jewish/Israeli has very much with being religious. I haven't been to a synagogue in years & don't believe in God, but I know I'm Jewish enough to get gassed or shot. They don't ask you if you had pork recently before blowing your brains out.
They're talking about withdrawing compensation for people who refuse to leave voluntarily. That will never fly, whatever happens everybody will get their money. I'm sure.....
this will never be solved in our lifetimes. It doesn't bode well for the future when you see 5 yr old palesinian kids throwing stones at israeli soldiers.