pressdisplay dot com

vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts
edited March 2011 in Strut Central

every newspaper from around the world put on one website = :bizzo:


  • clunky

  • yeah, the formatting leaves a little to be desired, but i think incorporating all of the content is such a staggering task that it's kind of a 'good enough' scenario.

    i think this news carrier will be one of the big newsmakers of 2011. it's being billed as the 'napster of news'...

  • dammsdamms 704 Posts
    pimlicosquirrel said:

    I have a 20'' 16/9,16/10 monitor
    it's just fine here

    is this legal though ?

    edit: oh I see it asks for registration to read further the cover page
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