Cold Grits- It's Your Thing

Why is it so hard to find this?
On Atco, there must have been a shitload of copies pressed?
I haven't EVER come across it, even on eBay
admittedly I am in the UK, so, y'know
On Atco, there must have been a shitload of copies pressed?
I haven't EVER come across it, even on eBay

admittedly I am in the UK, so, y'know
same as Head West S/T
Overseas listings don't trigger saved searches, if the seller won't ship worldwide
But I only buy OG :(
Now kanye's sampled it & cleared it (it's in the liner notes for twisted fantasy and everything) I bet it'll go up in price or some shit
In the exact opposite vein, I bought the 45 box, and if I remember correctly, gave my worn OG to the dude Lambert. 'Cause I'd rather have a better-playing copy.
yea this was around the time i finally sorted myself out with this. also took me years to find.
It's an okay version, but I prefer the Dennis Coffey version to this one.
A few years ago I was lucky and scored my copy on ebay really cheap because the name of the band was misspelled --- who wants some cold girts?
Actually non-promo stock copies were released. I caught one a few years back.
Actually non-promo stock copies were released. I caught one a few years back.
Yes. Yes.
you mean there's an actual SONG after the drum break?