Better than good time (walter gibbons) repress?

I've heard rumours that someone reissued (or maybe bootlegged?) this classic 12" that originally was released in canada.

Anyone who could confirm this?
I know there's an acetate with a 12:21 version. And that this 6:53- version is featured on the Blank Generation-compilation. But was this ever re-released on a 12"? I'm sure that I saw a "reissue" on discogs a while ago that was listed for $60.00 or something. Now it's gone

Anyone who could confirm this?
I know there's an acetate with a 12:21 version. And that this 6:53- version is featured on the Blank Generation-compilation. But was this ever re-released on a 12"? I'm sure that I saw a "reissue" on discogs a while ago that was listed for $60.00 or something. Now it's gone