Starbucks Trenta
772 Posts
Is this for real? People be buying beverages by the bucket over there.
poured from and tipped back
if you've ever had a night out where you just get absolutely gunned, just think about actual amount of liquid you're consuming. it's totally absurd.
Exactly, people seem to be missing this key point. I look forward to having a trenta iced chai latte w/skim when the weather gets warmer.
You want a Bluetooth with that, ma'am?
next year they'll introduce the Starbucks Kegga, a keg sized drink, for those who just cant get
Exactly. It's iced drinks only. Henceforth, I will be ordering my iced coffee in a bucket.
It's all about science.
Found out yesterday that SB chai is a concentrated :weaksauce: mix.
Thats why schitt is served so fast.
as far as starbucks chai latte goes: end result > process