How America Will Collapse by 2025 (Reynaldo-bait)
17,825 Posts
:balla: :dead: :game_over: :micro: :zooted:
:balla: :dead: :game_over: :micro: :zooted:
Youtube search for "tent city" is maybe a glimpse at the future of suburbia for non property owners?
Also, dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature
shut the f%ck up Jonny!!
These aren't the people that Sabadabada would like to still be building our railroads!
This guy has a blog called Clusterfuck Nation. It's a great read for imagining a post-America USA. However, he's been predicting a crash for so long that he's had to revise it to slow motion train wreck that will keep some people in loafers and SUVs while more and more people are pushed closer to subsistence level existence. Meaning, there will be no revolution or mass unrest.
He also talks about farming as a solution, but as history tells us, farming sucks if you don't own land, and given the choice people will migrate en masse to the big cities.
IMO, now is a great time to revisit movies like Bladerunner, Total Recall, 1984. Radical Postmodern Dystopia related.
"you have no bearings on this conversation! you are like a babe lost in the woods"
WW3 ain't gonna go down like that, that's for sure. If there's a world war three, everyone is fucked! :dead:
"I, for one, welcome our insect overlords!"
You will probably want a reliable resource to back this up, i'll try and find it on the net.
I like how fact-like this reads.
I can't blame young students for not wanting to consider such a scenario, though, as it would almost negate their entire reason for being in school.
Its a continent..... :-P
A Millie Jackson reference? Niiiccceeee...
Read up on your read-ups. Real World XXVIII: Freetown was a total flop.