Thanks for the warm welcome. I used to lurk this board a few years ago at my old job, so I'm already familiar with some of the more colorful characters here.
Several of the discussions piqued my interest, but posting would have cost me my job... Which I ended up losing anyway.
I look forward to interacting/sharing/arguing with all of you.
welcome dude!
Several of the discussions piqued my interest, but posting would have cost me my job... Which I ended up losing anyway.
I look forward to interacting/sharing/arguing with all of you.
I just found this sign at work. We Canadians are to polite sometimes...
Anyways... Welcome!
Repeat after me..."Sorry Strutters, but there are no records in Dallas so don't bother coming here to dig".
We've actually met a few times, back when we had the record swap at the Elephant Bar off of Greenville Ave.
no cursing!
Yep....remember you well.....this place is just like the Elephant Bar except we don't have drunk sorority girls from SMU wander in by mistake.
This can't be foul-mouth daughter hangs out here.