Cuba ...what's good?
20 Posts
any info on the usual ....record spots, eats (I hear bad things), bars, live music etc
Gonna be in Havana & Trinidad.
Thanks in advance
Gonna be in Havana & Trinidad.
Thanks in advance
Sorry that I can't prove otherwise, but being of Cuban heritage I find this extremely hard to believe.
Cuban americans will tell me cuban food is better here in miami than in cuba.
But over all, great time and the people are amazing.
I hear record shops are state run & they had a state record label like Poland used to be?
I've been told about some dude who picked up a lot of nice jazz records when he was there ....but that is all I know ...who knows more?
That said, the people are amazing. I must say I've never traveled in a country where the locals were so enthused to meet/talk with Americans (not sure if you're American). I was pleasantly surprised.
What I did was rent a car and drive around the island. I picked up hitchhikers, stopped at random tobbacco farms, got a ticket. I had farmers flag me down, invite me into their shacks, and pull out home-made rum and hand-rolled cigars.
Great trip.
(Though as a Yanqui, I had money issues. Credit cards leave a paper trail, and ATMs -- to the extent that you can find one -- don't work for our bank accounts on account of the embargo. I was basically rolling around for a month with a wad of US bills. Kinda sketchy, but there's no better country to do it in as Cuba is among the safest countries in the world for tourists.)
There's a lot of pizza. Everyone eats pizza. And I once got a slice of pizza w/ a roach that was cooked into the cheese.
Okay, the food is pretty fucking bad.