Wanted: Power Of Zeus & Songs Of Experience OG's

analog_tapeanalog_tape 604 Posts
edited November 2010 in Vinyl Wants / Trades
I'm looking for an original copies of the Power Of Zeus LP and of David Axelrod - Songs Of Experience , not fussy about condition because i would rather not pay a mint price. I also have some stuff to trade.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,801 Posts
    analog_tape said:
    Power Of Zeus

    Didn't rate this as a rock record, and if you're after breaks, one of the breaks on Titanic is similar (but better imo), and much easier to pick up.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    i got the aussie press of POZ in MINT condition... let me know....


  • analog_tape said:
    I'm looking for an original copies of the Power Of Zeus LP and of David Axelrod - Songs Of Experience , not fussy about condition because i would rather not pay a mint price. I also have some stuff to trade.

    have a us-copy of the Power Of Zeus LP - send me your trades if you still need it
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